Summer fun for Banif team at Tiki Village

Banif Bank’s annual summer party, organised by the Sports and Social Committee for staff, was this year held at the newly launched Tiki Village at the Grand Hotel Excelsior.
Set by the water’s edge, the venue was the perfect backdrop for the hard-working team at Banif to relax and enjoy exotic cocktails and a scrumptious buffet, as the sun went down over the marina.
Bamboo and palm ‘villas’ hosted the 170-strong team from the Bank. Tropical colours complemented the area as did the soothing live music for the night courtesy of De Bee accompanied by Adrian Irrussu.
A selfie competition jazzed up the vibe as staff posed with props to get the winning photo together. Fireworks lit up the sky at the peak of the party – a real culmination of the festive atmosphere.
“Our summer parties are always great,” said Kenneth Sacco from the Banif Sports and Social Committee. “It’s a chance for us to get together, chat and have some fun, away from the exigencies of the office. A well-deserved treat for all of us.”
Tiki Village is a fair-trade venue, with the bamboo and palm hut structures purchased from self-employed carpenters, making the place an example of sustainable tourism.