PTL Holdings plc bond issue heavily oversubscribed
Subscription lists, which opened on Monday morning of the 24 November, closed soon after at 09:30.

PTL Holdings plc, the holding company of PTL International, announces that due to heavy oversubscription for the €36 million 5.1% Unsecured Bonds 2024, the subscription lists, which opened on Monday morning of the 24 November, closed soon after at 09:30.
Interest on the bonds commences on December 5 and refunds of allocated monies will be made by December 9. The bonds are expected to be admitted to The Malta Stock Exchange on December 10. Trading is expected to commence on December 11.
PTL Holdings plc will announce the basis of acceptance of applications and the allocation policy to be adopted by not later than Monday, December 1, 2014.
PTL Holdings plc thanks the investment community for its confidence in the company and its support of the bond issue.