European Commission approves €132 million Maltese operational programme
European Commission adopts the Maltese Operational Programme, financed by the European Social Fund

The European Commission today adopted the Maltese Operational Programme, Investing in human capital, financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) in the period 2014-2020.
This programme aims to invest over €132 million to promote employment and social inclusion, improve the education system and enhance the efficiency of the public administration.
"I welcome the adoption of this programme, which will help bring more people into the labour market, in particular young people, offer a fair chance to vulnerable groups and get a better trained population. Our funds will directly contribute to the EU's strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth," Employment Commissioner Marianne Thyssen said.
€26 million will be invested to support measures which aim at improving the employment prospects of job seekers and inactive persons, as well as at supporting labour mobility and the integration of young people into the labour market. More than 5,700 people are expected to get support, including at least 2,700 youngsters.
€40 million will be invested to finance actions seeking to create more opportunities for groups such as women and the inactive, and to address health needs and inequalities. Over 10 000 people are expected to receive support.
€47.4 million euro will be invested to fund actions in order to reduce early school leaving, to get more students in tertiary education and to increase the participation in lifelong learning. Interventions to strengthen vocational education and training systems are also supported. Up to 12,000 students may benefit from digital technology courses and 8,000 people from lifelong learning or re-skilling and up-skilling.
€11 million euros will be invested to help improve the administrative capacity and efficiency, in order to better deliver services to citizens. The target is to train 4,000 people. Interventions focusing on strengthening the capacity of stakeholders delivering education (including lifelong learning and training), employment and social policies are also supported, with a target of 500 persons within stakeholder organisations.