Union accuses ‘intransigent’ HSBC of delaying tactics
Malta Union of Banking Employees proposing mediation through intervention of Office of the Prime Minister

The Malta Union of Banking Employees has said that HSBC Malta is not responding to its request for mediation in its long-drawn out industrial dispute, following another offer for the intervention of the prime minister’s office.
Earlier this year, strike action by some 900 HSBC employees was brought to an end by the intervention of the OPM after the MUBE registered an industrial dispute.
The union says HSBC decided to unilaterally renege on a collective agreement negotiated earlier last year.
“As expected, HSBC is showing intransigence and arrogance with the highest authority of the country by not responding to the union’s request for mediation following another offer by the OPM,” MUBE said.
“Whilst the OPM has offered to mediate, HSBC management is mostly interested in creating more unrest by refusing to collaborate. The unions have always stated that the intention was mainly to conclude negotiations on both the Unions’ respective agreements at the earliest. Management’s delaying tactics continuously frustrates the loyal workforce and clearly goes against any effort to make HSBC the best place to work.”
The union said it is adamant about not re-opening negotiations wide open.
MUBE said CEO Mark Watkinson, who was asked to be personally present for negotiations, was resisting increasing salaries.
The union says its requests are based on rising inflation and forecasted positive growth figures.
“The rest of the differences are strongly about bank’s modus operandi and its overall attitude towards its own employees which is all the more becoming senseless to the detriment of local culture,” MUBE said.