Best Mum and Best Dad Awards winners announced
Awards were presented by Michelle Muscat, wife of the prime minister and chairperson of the Marigold Foundation

The winners of the Malta Baby & Kids Directory Best Mum and Best Dad Awards were presented with their awards and prizes by Michelle Muscat, the Prime Minister’s wife, at a celebratory party on Thursday 2 July at Girgenti Palace during the launch of the 2015 edition of The Malta Baby & Kids Directory.
On the day, together with the launch of the latest directory, the Malta Baby & Kids team in collaboration with The Marigold Foundation supporting the Children’s Special Olympics Malta hosted a Children’s Fashion Show during the event showing exciting summer collections by Missey & Bo, Okaidi and Brands4Kids. The guests were also entertained with a short violin recital by Shawn Attard, aged nine.
The Best Mum and Best Dad Awards campaign was launched in March 2015 and the public were invited to nominate a spouse, relative or friend who they felt deserved the titles of “Best Mum” and “Best Dad”.
The campaign generated a great response and six finalists were chosen. Readers were then asked to vote for their favourite choice and these together with a panel decided which mum and dad deserved to win these awards.
Nikki Attard and Ian Cochrane werevoted this year’s winners. Their stories are featured in the latest edition of the Malta Baby & Kids Directory.
The winners were presented with their awards and some amazing prizes included a weekend break at the Radisson Blu Resorts in St Julians and Golden Sands; a meal for two at top award winning restaurant of the Definitive(ly) Good Guide –Medina in Mdina; a hamper of Nestle goodies; a treatment at Myoka Spas, two hours of party animation by Cheeramigos and a celebration cake commemorating the award by Busy Bee.
The front cover painting competition sponsored by Vee Gee Bee with the theme ‘Malta – A multicultural island in the Mediterranean’ was won by Caprice Dipple (13) and the runner up Maya Mallia (12 years old). The winner’s painting is on the cover of the 9th edition of the Malta Baby & Kids Directory launched on the 2 July. Paintings of 12 shortlisted artists are also featured in the directory.
The book is the essential reference for parents and childcarers in Malta and Gozo. It is available to buy online at Expectant mothers are entitled to a free copy of the directory through Mater Dei Maternity Outpatients.
The portal is constantly updated, featuring all the directory information for free to those who access the site, together with being the top reference for parents and carers looking to find events, services and products available to them throughout the year.
Anyone who subscribes on, receives a free monthly newsletter packed with news and events and can participate in our exciting competitions and win great prizes. They will also be kept informed about our mums and kids events organised on a regular basis throughout the year.