Qajjenza gas tanks dismantled, site to be handed back to Enemalta in coming weeks
Gasco Energy keeps true to promise and dismantles Qajjenza gas tanks by end of spring 2015

Gasco Energy Ltd, the operators of the LPG storage and bottling plant in Bengħisa, have kept true to their promise of removing the gas tanks and equipment at the former gas plant in Qajjenza by end of spring 2015.
In a press statement, the company said that in the coming weeks, the Qajjenza site will be handed over back to Enemalta bringing to a satisfactory conclusion Gasco Energy’s obligations originating from its privatization agreement with Enemalta.
“After 54 years of service, ‘it-tankijiet tal-Qajjenza’, as they are commonly known, were officially decommissioned in September 2013 following a degassing process. The dismantling process included having the gas tanks, pipes and other ancillary equipment cut up in stages and removed completely from site,” Gasco Energy CEO Paul Agius Delicata said.
Following the complete dismantle of the site, which was overseen by Trihills Heavy Industries Ltd, Enemalta proceeded to retrieve underground samples which were then tested by a foreign laboratory for any possible contamination. The results came back clean, confirming that no underground contamination had occurred, the statement continues.
“The removal of the gas storage tanks at Qajjenza has been welcomed by many, including the residents themselves. Besides providing peace of mind, their removal will positively enhance the neighbouring area and increase the retail value of the surrounding property,” Agius Delicata added.
Today, Gasco Energy operates a new fully certified gas bottling and storage facility at Bengħisa with an investment of €20 million. Fully respecting the EU stringent criteria as established in the Seveso II Directives, the modern Bengħisa storage and bottling plant was inaugurated in November 2012. Earlier, as from 1st February 2009, Liquigas Malta - the other company in the Gasco Consortium - became responsible for gas distribution in cylinders, in bulk and also autogas, for the first time in Malta.
“Through this €20 million investment, Gasco Energy has more than doubled the LPG storage facilities and therefore has secured a continuous, adequate supply of liquefied petroleum gas at all times to cater for present and future requirements of the Maltese market,” the statement adds.