Gozo business survey finds lack of Victoria parking space obstacle to business
A survey carried out by the Gozo Business Chamber for the summer months shows 44% experienced a decrease in business.
The survey, conducted between May and August 2010 shows that while 44% saw a decrease in business, 22% registered an increase with the remaining 34% having the same results in comparison to the same months for the previous year.
The respondents also said that most of their business was with Gozitans (59%), Maltese visitors (22%) and tourists (19%).
The Gozo Channel ferry service is believed by 37% of the respondents to have been the best factor in helping their business followed by the weekend activities organised throughout the period under review (31%).
“The worst culprit for lack of or loss of business was the lack of parking space available in Victoria and the popular beaches,” the Chamber said.
In fact, the lack of parking facilities was accentuated once again by 26% of respondents when indicating points that might have had a negative effect on business.
Other remarks ranged from the traffic wardens’ attitude (22%) to traffic congestion (20%), the waiting time to cross from Malta to Gozo (18%), and prices (14%).
Respondents were asked to give their opinion about certain aspects, ranging from Very Good to Very Bad. Cleanliness was classified as follows: main roads (from 48% as good to 10% as very bad); town /village centres (52% good, to 7% bad); and beaches (45% good, 10% very bad). As for places of information for visitors, this ranged from good (37%) to very bad (13%). The worst off came public transport with 39% as bad to 13% as good, and parking spaces with 45% as bad and 7% as good.
The respondents’ outlook for the next three months resulted in 3% expecting an increase in business, 52% expecting the same amount, and 45% expecting less business. This also reflected their outlook for future employment. While 3% said that they expect to employ more people, 76% said that they will keep the same number, and 21% expected to decrease the number of employees.
The great majority of replies came from businesses based in Victoria and Xewkija (79%) with the rest from various other places around Gozo and represented the retail sector (44%), the manufacturing sector (29%) and the services sector (27%).