Developers want task force to tackle worsening bureaucracy
MDA wants task force to introduce more efficient and less bureaucratic procedures

The Malta Developers Association has called for a task force that can tackle government bureaucracy, complaining of a worsening situation for entrepreneurs.
“Despite the political will expressed publicly several times by the Prime Minister and other spokesmen of the present government, the situation related to the obstacles every entrepreneur has to face due to excessive bureaucracy by Government departments and parastatal bodies has remained the same, if not aggravated in certain instances,” the MDA said.
The government has appointed both a commissioner to tackle bureaucracy as well as a parliamentary secretary for the simplification of administration.
“The MDA believes that, if a serious effort is made to lessen this bureaucracy and government entities become truly more efficient, economic progress in the country will be greater than that registered in the past two years,” the association said, adding that ignoring the problem would lower economic growth and discourage investment.
“The MDA is recommending that a task force be set up to take this issue seriously and introduce more efficient and less bureaucratic procedures in the various sectors in which bureaucracy has ended up being more of a burden that of benefit to the country.”