GlobalCapital issues New Ordinary Shares
The Offer Period will be between 16 March 2016 and 30 March 2016 at noon in accordance with the ratio of 1.27 New Ordinary Shares for every one existing ordinary share.

Following its announcement of an application to the Listing Authority requesting the admissibility to listing of 16,792,452 new ordinary shares of a nominal value of €0.291172 each, GlobalCapital plc is pleased to announce that it has been granted approval by the Listing Authority for the admissibility of these New Ordinary Shares by way of rights to shareholders on the Register at the Central Securities Depository of the Malta Stock Exchange as at 4 March 2016.
The Offer Period will be between 16 March 2016 and 30 March 2016 at noon in accordance with the ratio of 1.27 New Ordinary Shares for every one existing ordinary share.
Any lapsed rights from the Rights Issue will be offered in two stages.
Firstly, those shareholders who accept their proportionate entitlement of New Ordinary Shares in full shall be entitled to apply for New Ordinary Shares in excess of their proportionate entitlement, on a pre-emptive basis.
Secondly, in the event that any New Ordinary Shares remain unallocated following the close of the Offer Period, and if applicable, after the allotment of Excess Shares, then the lapsed rights will be offered to Financial Intermediaries during an Intermediaries Offer.
The Rights Issue is conditional upon a minimum of ten million (10,000,000) New Ordinary Shares being subscribed for. If subscribed to in full, the Rights Issue will raise a total net amount of €4,740,000.
Full details of the Rights Issue are included in the Prospectus dated 4 March 2016. The Prospectus is available for viewing on the Company’s website ( and a hard copy shall be mailed to all shareholders (other than those shareholders having their registered address and/or who are citizens or residents of Excluded Territories) of the Company as at the Record Date.
GlobalCapital p.l.c. is a public company and is listed on the Malta Stock Exchange. GlobalCapital Life Insurance Limited is authorized to transact Long Term Insurance Business and is regulated by the MFSA; GlobalCapital Health Insurance Agency Limited acts as an insurance agent and is regulated by the MFSA; GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited is licensed to provide investment services and is regulated by the MFSA. Registered Address: GlobalCapital p.l.c., Testaferrata Street, Ta’ Xbiex XBX 1403, Malta