Malta with second highest trademark applications per inhabitant
Almost 90,000 EU trademark applications received from Member States in 2015

89,420 applications for trade mark protection were received in 2015 by the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) from the Member States of the European Union (EU), a number about four times higher that of the mid-1990s.
Information released by Eurostat, the EU’s statistical office, the number of EU trademark applications originating from EU Member States has constantly risen, with the exception of the slowdown registered with the economic and financial crisis in 2008.
Applications made in 2015 from EU Member States accounted for nearly 70% of all applications made in the EUIPO that year, which totalled 130 385 applications. The highest number of TM applications made to the EUIPO from outside the EU came by far from the United States (16,881), ahead of China (4,153), Switzerland (3,997), Japan (2,593) and South Korea (2,038).
World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated every April 26 to promote discussion of the role of intellectual property in encouraging innovation and creativity. Data on trademark applications presented in this news release only represent a small selection of a wider range of indicators related to intellectual property rights available at Eurostat, which also include data on patent and industrial design
Germany and the United Kingdom account for more than 1 in every 3 trademark applications
Across the EU, Germany (20,447 applications, or 23% of EU total) was the first Member State in terms of applications for TM protection in 2015, followed at a distance by the United Kingdom (12,527, or 14%), Italy
(9,941, or 11%), Spain (9,406, or 11%), France (7,907, or 9%), the Netherlands (4,534, or 5%) and Poland
(3,665, or 4%).
Highest number of TM applications per inhabitant in Luxembourg, lowest in Romania
In relative terms, the highest number of trademark applications per million inhabitants was recorded in 2015 by Luxembourg (2,190), followed at a distance by Malta (960), Cyprus (652), Austria (345) and Denmark (309). At the opposite end of the scale, Croatia (32), Romania (33), Hungary (57), Slovakia (67) and Greece (72) registered the lowest shares of TM applications relative to the size of their respective populations. In the EU, there were on average 176 applications for trademark protection per million inhabitants made to the EUIPO in 2015.
“When analyzing these data, it should be noted that corporations, which are the main source of trademark applications, might benefit from the fiscal policies of certain countries with low corporate tax rates, including tax exemptions for intellectual property rights protection,” Eurostat said.
Paris and Barcelona, leading EU regions for trademark applications
After Paris in France (2,083 trade applications made), the leading regions in the ranking of applications to the EUIPO for trademark protection in 2014 were Barcelona (2,022 applications) and Madrid (1,843) in Spain, Milano
(1,484) in Italy, Berlin (1,275) in Germany and Luxembourg (1,253).
Among the 20 regions in the EU with the highest number of trademark applications made to the EUIPO in 2014, four were in Spain, three in Germany, two each in France, Italy and the United Kingdom and one each in Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Finland and Sweden, as well as Luxembourg.
It should be noted that EU trademark protection activity is mainly concentrated in the capital regions, with more than half out of the 20 EU regions with the highest number of trademark applications to the EUIPO in 2014 being capital regions.