Bank of Valletta issues warning on phishing scams
Phishing scammers trying to obtain valuable information such as credit card and account numbers, passwords and log-in details to the bank’s 24x7 services

Bank of Valletta has issued a reminder to customers that the bank will never request personal customer information such as 24x7 login credentials, PINs or credit card details through any form of communication such as email, telephone or other means of communication.
“The bank is aware of phishing scams, purportedly originating either from the bank itself or from reputable companies trying to obtain valuable information such as credit card and account numbers, passwords and log-in details to the bank’s 24x7 services, all of which can be used to commit fraud,” the bank said.
It warned customers that they should always be vigilant against such scams that seek to lure them into surrendering such information to a third party.
Such scams, mostly by telephone or email, sometimes claim that there is some problem with the customer’s accounts and the information requested is necessary amend these problems.
“The bank would like to remind its customers that they should always be vigilant and observe standard information security precautions. If you think you are being targeted by one of these scams, we advise you to terminate all communication with the alleged fraudster and to contact the Bank’s Customer Service Centre on 2131 2020.”