Institute of Financial Services offers CEFA qualifications locally
The Institute of Financial Services Malta will be offering qualifications be European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies locally after it was confirmed as a member

The Institute of Financial Services Malta (ifs) will now be offering qualifications be European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) locally.
This has been made possible due to the fact that ifs has been appointed member of the EFFAS.
Ifs Malta President Kenneth Micallef said that the EFFAS qualifications will improve financial education in Malta, adding that they will be available in 2017.
“This is an important milestone in the Institute’s continuous quest to facilitate the provision of well-established qualifications to professionals within the Maltese financial services sector. The qualifications offered by EFFAS will continue to raise the bar of financial education in Malta. We look forward to start offering EFFAS qualifications towards the beginning of next year”.
EFFAS was established in 1962 as a non-profit organisation. It is the umbrella organisation of 26 national local societies of investment professionals in Europe representing more than 18,000 professionals in Equity/Bond Research, Asset/Portfolio Management and Investment Advice.
The aim of the organisation is to encourage the research and the independent opinion on economy, finance and financial and stock markets with the ultimate goal of setting necessary standards for the finance industry.
Through its Commissions, EFFAS has contributed to supporting the development of financial services regulation by incorporating practical knowledge from professionals. Furthermore, EFFAS is continuously working on the development of additional standards that are instrumental in guaranteeing a high level of quality in the investment profession.
The Certified European Financial Analyst qualification offered by EFFAS is recognised by MFSA as one of the required academic qualifications for professionals seeking to attain authorisation from the regulator to provide portfolio management services.