Malta Stock Exchange in discussions with Thomson Reuters
Finance minister welcomes news that multinationals such as Thomson Reuters view Malta as a reputable country from where to operate

A memorandum of understanding is to be signed soon between the Malta Stock Exchange and multinational Thomson Reuters over collaboration in various fields, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said this morning.
The minister, who was present at the opening of the Malta Stock Exchange Institute in Mosta with MSE chairman Joseph Portelli, said that the two bodies would work together on a number of projects, including training programmes for the MENA region.
He welcomed news that multinationals such as Thomson Reuters viewed Malta as a reputable country from where to operate and strike strategic partnerships in education and the development and promotion of corporate governance software for Northern Africa and the Gulf regions.
Head of Thomson Reuters’ New Business Development for the Middle East and North Africa, Eric Hammar, said that Thomson Reuters has years of experience in the sector and operates from several countries.
He said that the company was very proud to be collaborating with MSE and noted Malta offered many opportunities thanks to its vibrant gaming and financial sectors.