GO profits up 12% to €29.5 million in 2017
Revenues grow to €166 million with Malta business and foreign investments

GO plc reported above-expectations revenue in 2017 of €166.3 million (2016: €157.0 million), with group operating profit increasing by 12.2% to reach €29.5 million (2016: €26.3 million), and group EBITDA which amounted to €65.6 million (2016: €61.6 million).
GO directors are recommending a net dividend of €0.13 per share, which is 18.2% higher than the dividend distributed for 2016, to be approved by shareholders at the forthcoming AGM.
2017 marked a year where GO is reaping the results of sound investments in infrastructure as well as in value-generating business such as BM Group and Kinetix, which has further extended the Group’s ICT offering.
In Malta, the increase in use of mobile post-paid services and data services are the main contributors to growth in retail revenues.
GO’s fibre network coverage was extended and now covers more than 64,000 households representing 37% of households in Malta.
In Cyprus, Cablenet’s network currently covers approximately 52% of households and is being extended as part of a multi-year programme. During the year under review Cablenet’s broadband client base has increased by more than 3,000 subscribers to circa 22% of the market.
Revenue generated in Malta maintained an upward trend, growing by 5.8% to €135.4 million.
Cost of sales, administrative and related costs amounted to €138.0 million (2016: €131.9 million). The main increase of €6.1 million is the result of the increase in sales activity which has driven up the cost of goods sold.
GO p.l.c. Chairman, Mohamed Fadhel Kraiem, said: “Our business model is delivering results, as GO continues to maintain a robust operating performance in Malta and now also pursues growth opportunities with Cablenet as a quality challenger in the Cypriot market. Our strong performance was achieved in spite of intense competition, not only from other Maltese operators but also from international operators providing services for free over the Internet.
“It is encouraging to note that our sustained growth is being driven by an ever increasing number of customers adopting bundles of services; thanks to the loyalty shown by customers to the Group’s services, GO is able to continue delivering robust levels of revenues, profitability and cash generation from its core operations.”