Civil code amendments on inherited vacant properties come into force
In case of a dispute over inherited property, the law has been changed to allow the sale after three years if more than 51% of the heirs are in agreement

Amendments to the civil code have come into force today allowing the sale of inherited vacant property after three years if more than 51% of the heirs are in agreement.
The Budget 2016 measure was proposed in a bid to release some of an estimated 41,232 properties which remain vacant on the island, many due to unresolved disputes among heirs.
The properties, left abandoned for years, pose not only a safety issue due to the lack of maintenance but have also ended up as an attraction to vandals and drug users, among others.
The amendment to the civil code, approved by parliament, allows the selling of the property – after three years since its inheritance – where more than half of the heirs are in favour of the sale.
The amendment replaces the five or 10-year timeframe.