Minister Chris Said visits Foundation for IT Accessibility
Justice and Dialogue Minister Chris Said visits FITA to view a demo of a Maltese Speech Synthesiser which could benefit a multitude of stakeholders.
Justice and Dialogue Minister Chris Said visited the offices of the Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility (FITA) on Friday 4 May.
Said was given a brief overview of the key services and initiatives FITA is responsible for.
After seeing a demo of the ERDF114 Maltese Speech Synthesiser, Said remarked that it is very important that the multitude of stakeholders, who may benefit from and employ this technology across different ICT products, get to know about it and appreciate its potential in addressing accessibility and reading difficulties.
The ERDF114 Maltese Speech Synthesis is part-financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with a co-financing rate of 85% EU Funds and 15% National Funds.
FITA CEO Stanley Debono, together with FITA’s team of employees, discussed some of the prominent areas and overarching principles guiding the foundation’s activities.
Different employees in charge of ICT training, software development and ICT accessibility certification described some of the hurdles encountered and achievements brought about through their daily work.
Debono identified the promotion of the Maltese language, education, work and empowerment as the binding principles extending across each of these services and initiatives.
The event was also attended by MITC’s Permanent Secretary John Gatt and KNPD’s Chairman Joseph Camilleri who are both members of FITA's Board of Administrators.
Camilleri stressed the important role played by FITA in networking across both government entities and industry, to bring a more holistic ICT empowerment solution comprising ICT training, technology and access to information and services.
Minister Said congratulated FITA's staff on the work being carried out and highlighted the importance of ensuring that commercial entities are made aware of the quality improvements that can be brought about by ensuring ICT accessibility for all.