Academics study impact of digital and video games on Maltese

Study focuses on effects of gaming on intergenerational relationships in Malta.

What percentage of the Maltese population plays digital and video games? What type of games are the most popular within the Maltese community? What do the Maltese people really think about the use of digital and video games? How is the younger generation dealing with digital and video games? Is there a gap between generations when it comes to who plays games and how frequently?

These are some of the questions that academic members of staff from the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of ICT at the University want to answer, in a study on the impact of digital and video games on the Maltese community.

The research group which they have set up, known as 'gamED', aims to investigate the effects that digital and video games can have on learning that goes beyond classroom-based teaching.

The first project the team has undertaken is to investigate the trends and patterns in digital game play for a representative sample of the Maltese population.

The results are expected to offer some insight into how Malta can maintain a competitive edge in the sector whilst exploring the educational implications of the digital and video game market vis-à-vis the National Curriculum Framework.

Studying the possible consequences of the usage of digital and video games on intergenerational relationships in the Maltese context can also give rise to further insight into the cause and effect relationship of digital and video games across the Maltese society.

Maltese citizens, as well as those with permanent residency in Malta, are invited to take part in this national survey by visiting this link: and following up on more information about the project. This project, 'DigitalGamesMalta', is being carried out with the support of the University of Malta, through its Corporate Research and Knowledge Transfer, and the Malta Communications Authority.