Few hacking cases prosecuted in law courts
Hacking, online fraud prosecutions not a commonly prosecuted crime
Barely more than a dozen cases of online fraud and computer hacking have been prosecuted in the last seven years.
A parliamentary question by Labour MP Deo Debattista revealed that 16 cases of hacking, and four cases of online fraud were prosecuted in the Maltese courts since 2006.
The largest number of hacking prosecutions, six, took place in 2007, then four in 2012. Three cases of online fraud were prosecuted in 2013.
Hacking, or computer misuse, involves a non-legitimate access to computer information, and carries a fine of €23,293 or a maximum four-year prison sentence. In the case of the hacking of government system, the fine is further increased by anything between €232 and €116,000 or by an added prison sentence of three months to 10 years.
In the case of online fraud, the maximum penalty is 13 months to seven years' imprisonment when the damages incurred exceed €2,329.