An ‘escape clause’ from which there is no ‘escape’
Why, exactly, did Konrad Mizzi negotiate an ‘escape clause’ which so clearly works against his own government’s interests? 
Zero tolerance on cannabis? More like zero-empathy games
The professional careers and personal lives of people who consume cannabis are not feeble commodities which employers can choose to destroy with drug tests | Andrew Bonello &...
Giving band clubs the security they need | Alex Muscat

We are fortunate that the money will come from those who invest in Malta...

We are fortunate that the money will come from those who...

And here we are, talking about domestic violence. Again
Josanne Cassar

It cannot be stressed enough that too many people are rapidly losing grasp of...

It cannot be stressed enough that too many people are...

Journalists who turn themselves into the story
Saviour Balzan

The Maltese want authentic civic action that is not vitiated by partisan...

The Maltese want authentic civic action that is not...

Is growth without taxation possible?

Editorial | Growth of this sort will only leave people behind; Labour has often resorted to grants to supplement low minimum...

Editorial | Growth of this sort...

Non observance of procedures does not necessarily annul an expropriation
Malcolm Mifsud

Not every non observance of the procedure outlined by law, would result in the revocation of an expropriation

Not every non observance of the procedure outlined by law,...

Why is everyone so convinced there’ll be an early election, anyway?
Raphael Vassallo

And as we all know from experience: elections are much more like a time for...

And as we all know from experience: elections are much more...

Combating tax crime is an overarching challenge | Andy Ellul

Reducing tax crimes requires educating the country to further understand that...

Reducing tax crimes requires educating the country to...

What if our Family Planning Advisory Service did not exist?
Isabel Stabile

The fact that women and girls reach out to us for this information because they...

The fact that women and girls reach out to us for this...

Ian Borg is the ultimate rebuttal to ‘okay boomer’

The Skinny | No 105 – Getting Things Done

The Skinny | No 105 – Getting Things Done

Let’s not allow greed and cynicism to destroy Malta

The Archbishop is right to sound to sound the alarm on this issue; for there...

The Archbishop is right to sound to sound the alarm on this...

A weird PN proposal
Michael Falzon

The idea of ODZ permits needing parliamentary approval is beyond the comprehension by any sane person

The idea of ODZ permits needing parliamentary approval is...

Great: so now the EU is responsible for Daphne’s murder, too…
Raphael Vassallo

Last Wednesday Ursula von der Leyen evidently pissed off Robert Aquilina so...

Last Wednesday Ursula von der Leyen evidently pissed off...

Tax-free state
Saviour Balzan

For years now, we have set out new fiscal policies, not based on the wisdom of what is best for the country but what will sustain one’s appeal at the...

For years now, we have set out new fiscal policies, not...

Pricing themselves out of the market
Josanne Cassar

In too many places, we are paying more money for mediocre food and abysmal treatment

In too many places, we are paying more money for mediocre...

Anything but an overhaul of the 2006 local plan

The Nationalist Party seems to be avoiding any commitment which puts it into...

The Nationalist Party seems to be avoiding any commitment...

Financial Adviser’s position may be a material fact in a financial services complaint
Malcolm Mifsud

The fact that an investor is also an investment adviser, has bearing on the fact that he took decisions that he was well aware of the risks that were being...

The fact that an investor is also an investment adviser,...

Open letter to Ian Borg on the Marsaskala marina | Marianne Theuma

The Marsaskala marina is not just about swimming, and having ice-cream! 

The Marsaskala marina is not just about swimming, and...

Fighting paediatric cancer
Cyrus Engerer

We must ensure all paediatric cancer patients have access to the best medical care possible, and give them all the tools possible to win over the illness |...

We must ensure all paediatric cancer patients have access...