It’s plaintiff that must prove its case to Court’s satisfaction
Malcolm Mifsud
The Court may rest solely on the plaintiff’s evidence, even if the Defendant gives another version of events
‘Environmental credibility’ needs more than just public gardens, you know…
Raphael Vassallo
One small environmental problem from Budget 2022 is that the Labour government measures do not even begin to address the real issues that they were actually designed to...
Waiting for Miss Kabul
Michael Falzon

I would not be surprised if in some year in the future, the west will be regaled with a new musical complete with the neon lights in Broadway and the West End...

I would not be surprised if in some year in the future, the...

Did you say you object? 'I’ll do it anyway'
Josanne Cassar

Despite the fact that residents, environmental activists and the local council...

Despite the fact that residents, environmental activists...

The Joseph Muscat legacy
Saviour Balzan

Labourites who have their self-respect and are able to think for themselves are not only disappointed with Muscat, but disgusted by him

Labourites who have their self-respect and are able to...

The minister’s silence on prison deaths

Government’s own failure to publicly address the issue surrounding prison...

Government’s own failure to publicly address the...

IPCC report: how to make global emissions peak and fall, and what’s stopping us
The Conversation

It’s at this level that people must focus much of their attention, to outweigh the influence of fossil fuel companies, find novel ways to fund...

It’s at this level that people must focus much of...

Climate repair: three things we must do now to stabilise the planet
The Conversation

We know what to do to be able to imagine thousands of years of human...

We know what to do to be able to imagine thousands of years...

Rude words in public? Give me that over chatty WhatsApp exchanges with murder suspects any day

The Skinny | No 100 – Chairman of Dissent Takes a Bow

The Skinny | No 100 – Chairman of Dissent Takes a Bow

The PN in transition: how to manage change | Alan Xuereb

Change is inevitable for the PN: the challenge is how the party can become...

Change is inevitable for the PN: the challenge is how...

The Corradino ‘Hilton’
Michael Falzon

It is now beyond obvious that those who were making accusations of the Prison Director using draconian methods to control and discipline inmates were right

It is now beyond obvious that those who were making...

No need to go to Dubai, because Dubai is here
Josanne Cassar

Climate change is no longer some far-off possibility in the hazy future –...

Climate change is no longer some far-off possibility in the...

So in the end, the ‘glorious PN’ destroys itself… over an online poll
Raphael Vassallo

Gozo candidate Alex Borg even went as far as to demand that the PN ‘dissociate itself’ from CSN… AND Repubblika… AND ‘other...

Gozo candidate Alex Borg even went as far as to demand that...

Can the rearing of pigeons amount to harassment?
Malcolm Mifsud

The offence of harassment requires the principle of this offence to behave in...

The offence of harassment requires the principle of this...

Overdevelopment: the elephant in the room

It is hard to shake off the notion that a public garden in Mosta, much needed...

It is hard to shake off the notion that a public garden in...

Taking action now for patients with rare diseases
Alex Agius Saliba

As a society, we can only empathise with what suffering rare disease patients...

As a society, we can only empathise with what suffering...

Our response to a climate emergency? Turn up the heat...
Raphael Vassallo

That, ultimately, is the nature of the threat we now face. And… well,...

That, ultimately, is the nature of the threat we now face....

Prison needs an Ombudsman, not just an inquiry

Nonetheless, there is a lot more to investigate, within Malta’s punitive...

Nonetheless, there is a lot more to investigate, within...

Committed to justice on Malta’s culture of impunity | Neil Falzon

Repeatedly we find ourselves juggling the same questions: Where is the...

Repeatedly we find ourselves juggling the same questions:...

One wonders when Labour’s soul-searching on the Yorgen bromance will begin

No 99 – Ġaħan Laburist: Billboard Wars Edition

No 99 – Ġaħan Laburist: Billboard Wars Edition