Let he who is without greed, cast the first stone…
Raphael Vassallo
Can’t wait to see what Clyde Caruana will actually unveil, in that imminent budget of his, that will “offer alternatives to construction as a means of kick-starting...
The education crisis is about planning, and priorities
Naturally, there is no magic solution to such problems; what is needed is long-term strategy, including measures to attract more teachers to the profession through better wages...
Everything we know about drug addiction is wrong
Cyrus Engerer

The only manner of tackling addiction as based on best practice, research and...

The only manner of tackling addiction as based on best...

Science scepticism is boring ‘cos it only goes halfway

The Skinny | No 97 – Freedom Fetishists, Unite!

The Skinny | No 97 – Freedom Fetishists, Unite!

‘Save us, Bernard! You’re our only hope…!’
Raphael Vassallo

I suppose Bernard Grech could always resort to a Jedi ‘mind-trick’,...

I suppose Bernard Grech could always resort to a Jedi...

The tourism mess
Michael Falzon

In practical terms, this means that the members of Abela’s Cabinet have the leeway to push contradictory policies

In practical terms, this means that the members of...

Staff shortages in the time of corona
Josanne Cassar

For economic growth to flourish it also has to be sustainable in terms of human resources, and right now that does not seem to be the case

For economic growth to flourish it also has to be...

Vaccinated? Then it is time to lift the lid
Saviour Balzan

If Malta has surpassed the herd immunity benchmark, and imposed obligatory...

If Malta has surpassed the herd immunity benchmark, and...

There is more than just ‘productivity’ at stake here

If the health authorities expect us to continue relying on the vaccine for our...

If the health authorities expect us to continue relying on...

If the accused understands the charges, then guilty plea stands
Malcolm Mifsud

If the accused understand that the charges he is admitting to, then that guilty...

If the accused understand that the charges he is admitting...

COVID in the UK: cases among double-vaccinated – it’s not because vaccines aren’t working
The Conversation

There are several factors at play that explain why such a high proportion of cases are in the fully vaccinated | Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, University of...

There are several factors at play that explain why such a...

Memory foam, insulin monitors, freeze-dried food... it all came from space
Owen Bonnici

The government is committed to stand behind our researchers and academics and will keep investing in their talents

The government is committed to stand behind our researchers...

Kevin Cutajar’s Facebook post? It’s Malta’s entire racism issue, in a nutshell
Raphael Vassallo

Let’s look on the bright side. Now, at least one Opposition MP has spoken out about the need for a thorough rethink of our country’s entire...

Let’s look on the bright side. Now, at least one...

Whatever it takes to prevent Bernard Grech dancing on TikTok is a good thing

The Skinny | No 96 – Peregin’s PN Pilgrimage

The Skinny | No 96 – Peregin’s PN...

Will Robert be his own man or continue in Joseph’s footsteps?
Arnold Cassola

Knowing that Germany, together with the US and the UK, insisted on our...

Knowing that Germany, together with the US and the UK,...

Why Malta desperately needs family planning clinics
Isabel Stabile

Our government must ensure access to contraception which is freely available....

Our government must ensure access to contraception which is...

The changing political landscape
Michael Falzon

Robert Abela’s efforts to get rid of MPs who are closely linked with Joseph Muscat’s administration are proceeding slowly but surely. Whether this...

Robert Abela’s efforts to get rid of MPs who are...

More than a sporting chance | Julia Farrugia Portelli
Julia Farrugia

We want to give persons with a disability more than a sporting chance to help...

We want to give persons with a disability more than a...

Bernard’s call | Peter Agius
Peter Agius

I think more of us should keep an eye on Bernard Grech’s call for a country which can dare for more than the better evil. 

I think more of us should keep an eye on...

Look! Up there, in the sky…
Raphael Vassallo

Ever wondered why Stan Lee conceived Peter Parker as an undercover photojournalist? My own guess is that there has always been a rather visible revolving door...

Ever wondered why Stan Lee conceived Peter Parker as an...