You either want a complete ‘warts and all’ portrait, or you don’t. Malta’s historical narrative has existed in hagiography mode for far too long
A better shade of green | Ray Ellul
NDSF’s social investment demonstrates the importance it gives to initiatives which will improve the wellbeing of society through a better quality of the island’s green...
Standing up for Malta and its people
Alex Agius Saliba

Those not biased against Malta can recognise that this is a reformist government and that is more than you can say for other governments in Europe who...

Those not biased against Malta can recognise that this...

Beyond Moneyval, vigilance must remain strong

Passing the Moneyval test, which still requires the final stamp of the...

Passing the Moneyval test, which still requires the final...

My body, my rights in all areas of life, including mental health care
Cyrus Engerer

Fatima Awil, Jonas Bull, and Cyrus Engerer | Active and informed participation...

Fatima Awil, Jonas Bull, and Cyrus Engerer | Active and...

Look to the Planning Authority for pure business IQ in action

The Skinny | No 85 – Portrait of the Artist With No Business IQ

The Skinny | No 85 – Portrait of the Artist With No...

Robert's dilemma
Michael Falzon

What is our PM waiting for to come clean and finally let go those who dragged the PL so deep in the mud? This dragging of feet is becoming more and more...

What is our PM waiting for to come clean and finally let go...

'Steal a little and they throw you in jail...'
Raphael Vassallo

How many cases have we seen, over the years, in which small, petty offenders...

How many cases have we seen, over the years, in which...

The goose and the gander
Saviour Balzan

To read Allied’s statement that 'the State' has now landed everyone in court, could be insinuated as some orchestrated campaign against the...

To read Allied’s statement that 'the...

Well, that’s one way to get public feedback
Josanne Cassar

It is easy to act like a tough guy with someone like Ronnie Gauci, but if the...

It is easy to act like a tough guy with someone like Ronnie...

There must be a clear understanding in a Prestanome arrangement
Malcolm Mifsud

A Prestanome is an indirect mandate, but the parties have to be aware of its...

A Prestanome is an indirect mandate, but the parties have...

Starting small and flourishing: the digitalisation of SMEs | Josianne Cutajar

The question remains: how can we make Europe fit for the Digital Decade?

The question remains: how can we make Europe fit for the...

An imperfect IVF law, undermined by party-politics

The Labour administration must take a good hard look at its IVF law, and bring...

The Labour administration must take a good hard look at its...

Abortion should be a choice in Malta | Prof. Isabel Stabile

You do not need to agree with abortion for its decriminalisation to become a...

You do not need to agree with abortion for its...

Protecting the victims of crime | Byron Camilleri

From legal assistance, to psychological support, to providing victims with a...

From legal assistance, to psychological support, to...

Time to restore the earth through sustainable business practices | Wendy Green
Gwendolyn Green

Climate change is perhaps the greatest threat we face in the 21st century and we must face this existential challenge with urgency and with commitment

Climate change is perhaps the greatest threat we face in...

Art is not exactly valued by its ‘contribution to GDP’...
Raphael Vassallo

By referring to ‘artists’ as though they were some kind of natural...

By referring to ‘artists’ as though they were...

Those who don’t like the passport scheme should go back to their country. No, wait...

The Skinny | No 84 – From Golden Passport to Golden Shower

The Skinny | No 84 – From Golden Passport to Golden...

There is more to ‘community' than investment

If ‘Kommunità Malta’ truly intends to live up to the...

If ‘Kommunità Malta’ truly intends...

The arts on prescription | Julie Zahra

Julia Zahra | Art and culture for health can provide the kind of social and psychological support which will be much needed as we rebuild and come together...

Julia Zahra | Art and culture for health can provide the...