The beam in your eye
Saviour Balzan
On FATF: It will be nasty to have the Americans taking out the speck of Malta’s eye while we are powerless to remove the beam in theirs
A cloudy forecast on FATF
Be it grey-listing or enhanced follow-up Malta is struggling in the wake of stronger governments whose voice at the FATF is a political tool that could make an example...
A wake-up call to the Opposition

For ultimately, the greatest stumbling block for PN recovery is that voters still find it very difficult to perceive it as an alternative government

For ultimately, the greatest stumbling block for PN...

Spring hunting is wrong for more than one reason
Mark Sultana

To allow hunters out with guns on public land during a pandemic that is forcing...

To allow hunters out with guns on public land during a...

Bill paid for Moneyval
Peter Agius

What is under the hammer is no longer the abuse of power and blatant corruption by top government actors, but the fate and livelihood of thousands of Maltese...

What is under the hammer is no longer the abuse of power...

A proud lay state no longer
Michael Falzon

Malta has been unable to shake away the centuries-old habits which prevent it from being a proud independent state 

Malta has been unable to shake away the centuries-old...

A ‘monstrosity’ of gigantic proportions
Raphael Vassallo

Not only are we seen to willingly obliterate our own cultural heritage at every...

Not only are we seen to willingly obliterate our own...

The vaccine conundrum: weighing the risks of a rare side effect
Josanne Cassar

Despite scientists trying to explain that all medicines have probable side...

Despite scientists trying to explain that all medicines...

My beautiful country
Saviour Balzan

We have been turned into barbarians willing to sell our country to enrich ourselves, until we change the face of this country forever and...

We have been turned into barbarians willing to...

Let’s not repeat last year’s mistakes

Until the vaccination programme is well underway, caution must be advised...

Until the vaccination programme is well underway, caution...

Reframing cannabis: a scientific overview | Maria Vella

The time has come to reframe the situation. A regulatory legal framework will...

The time has come to reframe the situation. A regulatory...

Sorry is not ‘the hardest word’ for nothing...
Raphael Vassallo

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca is not merely a ‘representative’ of the...

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca is not merely a...

Unfair discrimination on access to medicines
Alex Agius Saliba

There is still no mirroring right entitling the member states to get access to...

There is still no mirroring right entitling the member...

Freedom Day: we shape the work of our future | Josef Bugeja

That is why Freedom Day is the day when we as a union remember our past work...

That is why Freedom Day is the day when we as a union...

Without soul-searching, apologies are useless

This is why an internal process of soul searching in Labour should not be an...

This is why an internal process of soul searching in Labour...

Let he who is without spliffs now finally be allowed to get stoned

The Skinny | No 81 – Curing It All With Some Reefer Madness

The Skinny | No 81 – Curing It All With Some Reefer...

Will Abela ever have his Khrushchev moment?
Michael Falzon

It is true that there are a number of Labour supporters who still adore Joseph...

It is true that there are a number of Labour supporters who...

It’s all going Abela’s way... and he knows it
Raphael Vassallo

To consistently urge Robert Abela to ‘denounce the Joseph Muscat...

To consistently urge Robert Abela to ‘denounce the...

The questions we need to ask inside Labour
Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

Those who have the party at heart need to ask: Is it a party that is still...

Those who have the party at heart need to ask: Is it a...

Reflections on a second Easter spent like this
Josanne Cassar

While we might complain that we cannot meet up with our entire family at once,...

While we might complain that we cannot meet up with our...