We got an actual vaccine trailer. Pity Michael Bay was in Malta only so many years ago
The Skinny | No. 67 – Vaccine: The Trailer
The Skinny | No. 67 – Vaccine: The Trailer

COVID-19 also reminded us of what is truly important
The coronavirus pandemic is a reminder of how public goods and services must...
The coronavirus pandemic is a reminder of how public goods...

A year of reckoning | Robert Fenech
If businesses are mainly interested in enriching themselves and their owners, and the government is mainly concerned with maintaining its power, who is to...
If businesses are mainly interested in enriching themselves...

More Marxist brown asses, less ‘prosit ministru’s? Precisely
The Skinny • No. 66 – Mark Camilleri’s Brown Marxist Bottom
The Skinny • No. 66 – Mark Camilleri’s...

Easier to attack the press, than to confront the facts
This is truly a classic game strategy: where two sides find themselves under...
This is truly a classic game strategy: where two sides find...