Since when are four deaths a day considered ‘normal’?
Raphael Vassallo
Since when has the gradual extermination of an entire generation become so commonplace, that we no longer even recognise it for the shocking calamity it truly is?
We have had enough of bullying tactics
Josanne Cassar
Anton Cutajar with his hysterical ranting against the Animal Welfare Commissioner Alison Bezzina, reminds us of the bullying stereotype the Labour Party has tried so hard to...
Do we measure politicians by our own yardstick?
Josanne Cassar

The notion that taking a slice of the pie is completely unacceptable, not to...

The notion that taking a slice of the pie is completely...

Schools must open, the unions must back down
Saviour Balzan

The confusion of messages on the scale of precautions was first exacerbated by...

The confusion of messages on the scale of precautions was...

Still far to go for gender equality

Wider gender equality rights include the right of women to participate in public life without harassment; to determine their own futures, unfettered by...

Wider gender equality rights include the right of women to...

Problem solved? Not quite...
Raphael Vassallo

Keith Schembri’s arrest cannot be held up as any form of instant validation of the state of health of our country’s institutions. For that, the...

Keith Schembri’s arrest cannot be held up as any form...

Let’s make change happen | Ursula von der Leyen

We have the opportunity to do more than simply repairing our economy: we can...

We have the opportunity to do more than simply repairing...

Too late, but not  too little

Nonetheless, the fact that the machinery of justice has finally sprung into action – even if so late in the day – remains an important step in the...

Nonetheless, the fact that the machinery of justice has...

Plastic bottle recycling: a significant culture change
Aaron Farrugia

On all levels, the introduction of this scheme stands as a testament to our...

On all levels, the introduction of this scheme stands as a...

As long as Ian Borg’s okay with criticism, then my hours lost to idle commuting are not for naught

The Skinny | No. 53 • Wet Ass Road Structures

The Skinny | No. 53 • Wet Ass Road Structures

'Never tell me the odds'...
Raphael Vassallo

Once again, it is not exactly an easy outcome to accurately predict – there are, after all, major ‘cost-benefit’ considerations either way...

Once again, it is not exactly an easy outcome to accurately...

No use hiding information, because it will come out anyway
Josanne Cassar

It is only if health authorities are immediately upfront about how the virus is...

It is only if health authorities are immediately upfront...

Boris concocts a sour borscht
Michael Falzon

The Internal Markets Bill is still a hotch-potch solution that does not rule out the possibility of the UK becoming a rogue state

The Internal Markets Bill is still a hotch-potch solution...

A due diligence report that leaves us none the wiser

The idea to introduce a due diligence process was commendable for the PN, but...

The idea to introduce a due diligence process was...

Country to The Hague Convention is a stumbling block for children to travel
Malcolm Mifsud

If a child travels with one of the parents to a country not a signatory to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction, the other parent may...

If a child travels with one of the parents to a country not...

A free press? Time to talk about media financing
Ralph Cassar

There is no one ‘truth’. Party TV stations should go. Public...

There is no one ‘truth’. Party TV stations...

Drawing clear lines for equality | Charles Pace

While government selects many public servants on the basis of personal trust,...

While government selects many public servants on the basis...

Careful what you pray for...
Raphael Vassallo

Who, then, even needs God Almighty to be pissed off? Quite frankly, it is a shocking scandal that should really enrage us all

Who, then, even needs God Almighty to be pissed off? Quite...

Charity comes home where providence lives | Jesmond Saliba

All those involved in the effective running of the Dar tal-Providenza give...

All those involved in the effective running of the Dar...

A Trump-inspired crisis management framework | Kristina Buhagiar

Malta’s democracy is in a state of crisis; we do not have an opposition;...

Malta’s democracy is in a state of crisis; we do not...