Politicians, give way to the experts on COVID-19 spike
Malta’s re-opening of the economy was at best haphazard, and did not...
Malta’s re-opening of the economy was at best...

Human rights can build a fairer society | Renee Laiviera
To ensure continued support for human rights, it is necessary to inform people...
To ensure continued support for human rights, it is...

A third party against tribalism | Katrina Cassar
One can easily understand why such a mindset is so toxic to Malta’s...
One can easily understand why such a mindset is so toxic to...

Equality cannot wait | Rosianne Cutajar
Rosianne Cutajar • The few, privileged opponents of this legislation will remark that it is unnecessary. I, beg to differ
Rosianne Cutajar • The few, privileged opponents of...

It’s Charmaine, Season 2. And you’ll soon have fans clamouring for a Chris Fearne spin-off
The Skinny | No. 47 • Prof Charmaine Gauci: Season 2
The Skinny | No. 47 • Prof Charmaine Gauci: Season 2

Conscientious objection would nullify the protection of the Equality Law
Chris Vella: Should any school, like the Spanish Inquisition of old, take action against someone who espouses even publicly ideas that go against its ethos?
Chris Vella: Should any school, like the Spanish...

Faith schools need not lose their ethos, but teachers must be employed on competence
Cynthia Chircop and Joe Grima: An Equality Act should stop discrimination, not encourage it
Cynthia Chircop and Joe Grima: An Equality Act should stop...

An interview that raises more questions than answers
As with the scapegoating of migrants, this also comes across as a way of...
As with the scapegoating of migrants, this also comes...

‘The Pandemic Party Hub won’t start itself, ladies and gentlemen! Hop into the pool and never look back!’
The Skinny | No. 46 • The Great Pandemic-Party Spike
The Skinny | No. 46 • The Great Pandemic-Party Spike