Labour’s meltdown risk
Mark Said
Unless and until the party develops the capacity to provide such moral and intellectual leadership throughout society and at all times, not just during elections, its room for...
[WATCH] I can’t go on – there is no ray of light | Humanists Malta
When someone is told they have no hope of recovery, that they are losing the life they knew and enjoyed, their physical suffering is worsened by the emotional adjustment they must...
Cartoon: 11 August 2024

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Breach of bail is a separate crime
Malcolm Mifsud

The Prosecution may choose to prosecute an accused, if they breache the bail conditions, according to a ruling delivered by the Court of Criminal Appeal...

The Prosecution may choose to prosecute an accused, if they...

Enhancing animal welfare through legislation and infrastructure | Alicia Bugeja Said

By providing timely medical attention, the service significantly reduces suffering and improves the overall well-being of stray animals

By providing timely medical attention, the service...

Diary of a volunteer: On the front line of war
Christina Lejman

Maltese mother-of-two Christina Lejman works with local humanitarian voluntary...

Maltese mother-of-two Christina Lejman works with local...

The exercise of power
Michael Falzon

The nature of this relationship should be regulated by law as currently, it is not clear

The nature of this relationship should be regulated by law...

How to lose an election without trying
Saviour Balzan

Jason Micallef and Manuel Cuschieri have turned out to be the most ardent apologists of Joseph Muscat in the face of overwhelming evidence that the former...

Jason Micallef and Manuel Cuschieri have turned out to be...

Right to a widow’s pension even following annulment
Malcolm Mifsud

The annulment of a marriage may still allow a woman to receive a widow’s...

The annulment of a marriage may still allow a woman to...

Winning an Olympic medal requires more than passion

Elite athletes have to become professionals to even start dreaming of being at...

Elite athletes have to become professionals to even start...

Cartoon: 04 August 2024

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Euthanasia: Another taboo broken
Mark Said

If autonomy is the issue, why do we not respect every disabled or suicidal person’s wish for death? Regardless of their health condition or life...

If autonomy is the issue, why do we not respect every...

Standing against elder abuse
Renee Laiviera

We can significantly impact older persons' lives by raising awareness, supporting victims, and fostering a culture of respect and dignity to enable an end...

We can significantly impact older persons' lives by...

Cab industry: For a fair and balanced labour market, curb tax evasion as well

Enforcing fiscal obligations creates a level playing field that will undoubtedly filter out the cab companies that are not serious and fail to adhere to the...

Enforcing fiscal obligations creates a level playing field...

Paris 2024: I can understand the hurt, but is drag visibility the real problem?
James Debono

Detractors of the Paris Olympics opening ceremony should be asking; would they have expressed the same outrage if the tableau did not feature drag queens?

Detractors of the Paris Olympics opening ceremony should be...

Let there be light
Michael Falzon

From the Auditor General’s report on Enemalta, it results that the company has, for quite a number of years, consistently not managed to invest in the...

From the Auditor General’s report on Enemalta, it...

The heat is on
Tonio Fenech

The fact is that Enemalta is riddled with a lack of planning and secrecy. There is no transparency on how the millions of subsidies are being spent, while...

The fact is that Enemalta is riddled with a lack of...

Cartoon: 28 July 2024

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Why Edward Scicluna should step down

The national interest is at stake. By refusing to step down Edward Scicluna is unfortunately allowing self-interest to prevail... he has every right...

The national interest is at stake. By refusing to step down...

The richness of the Maltese language
Mark Said

While Maltese literature is doing very well and publications are relatively strong, the everyday use of the language in the digital world is minimal, and there...

While Maltese literature is doing very well and...