Getting it down to minus one means we’ve killed the virus for good, right?
The Siinny • No. 32 | Malta’s Infection Rate Drops to Below 1
‘More Europe’? Don’t we have enough already?
Raphael Vassallo
They failed to heed experts who said no country could fight the virus on its own, failed to perceive that the world’s most advanced health care systems were at grave risk of...
Trust matters,  for both Abela and Delia

MaltaToday’s trust ratings have always spelt one thing out: a leader who is less trusted than his own party cannot win an election; Adrian Delia must...

MaltaToday’s trust ratings have always spelt one...

Répondez, s’il vous plaît: do you still write to a pen-pal?

How would opening up to a complete stranger in writing feel in contrast to our...

How would opening up to a complete stranger in writing feel...

When signing an agreement, you are bound by that agreement
Malcolm Mifsud

When one signs an agreement that would be an indication that he or she would be...

When one signs an agreement that would be an indication...

A new dawn for Europe as sun sets on the United Kingdom’s EU membership

By EP President David Sassoli, European Council President Charles Michel, and EC President Ursula von der Leyen

By EP President David Sassoli, European Council President...

Fired from your job? Here, let us give you a better one!
Josanne Cassar

I’m sure there are many ordinary people reading this who have lost their...

I’m sure there are many ordinary people reading this...

Get that float out there as is and let’s start the year with a bang!

The Skinny | No 19. The St Joseph Home Carnival Float

The Skinny | No 19. The St Joseph Home Carnival Float

‘Continuity’ and ‘change’ can’t both happen at the same time…
Raphael Vassallo

One thing, however, is certain: ‘continuity’ and ‘change’ cannot realistically co-exist for very long. Sooner or later… and my...

One thing, however, is certain: ‘continuity’...

A revolving door that needs to be shut

It is clear that Abela is already reaping part of the whirlwind he had sown, when publicly embracing Konrad Mizzi at his inauguration ceremony as newly elected...

It is clear that Abela is already reaping part of the...

On the environment, we can no longer leave anything to chance
Aaron Farrugia

Construction is important for the Maltese economy… but for the sake of...

Construction is important for the Maltese economy…...

Choosing the top cop
Michael Falzon

I agree that subjecting the police commissioner’s appointment to a qualified majority in Parliament would be a better way of doing it – but it is...

I agree that subjecting the police commissioner’s...

At last: a Jurassic Park film, set in a Jurassic location…
Raphael Vassallo

The screening process would be geared towards identifying a candidate that is...

The screening process would be geared towards identifying a...

Free speech for learners
Saviour Balzan

'Prostitute' is a retrograde slur employed by men (and women) to undermine women in positions of influence or who take a stand, or simply when men...

'Prostitute' is a retrograde slur employed by...

Mater Dei: A living example of how different nationalities can work together
Josanne Cassar

As long as we are going to continue encouraging a foreign workforce, there is clearly a dire need for some long-term planning in the form of more health...

As long as we are going to continue encouraging a foreign...

The inevitable politicisation of public appointments
Court outlines the essential elements needed for a judgement to be found “res judicata”
Malcolm Mifsud

Since the plea of res judicata is meant to stop an action from being decided by a Court, it must be interpreted restrictively, such that in the case of doubt...

Since the plea of res judicata is meant to stop an action...

When cinema explores universal social issues
Josanne Cassar

The concept of the class divide between ‘us’ and ‘them’...

The concept of the class divide between ‘us’...

How to abort a national discussion
Raphael Vassallo

In the end, then, Muscat’s endorsement of this discussion may well end up inadvertently aborting it instead

In the end, then, Muscat’s endorsement of this...

Robert Abela has a tall order on good governance, but the economy beckons too
Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan on Robert Abela • The new prime minister appears to be pressing the right buttons, but he also faces the challenge of keeping purchasing...

Saviour Balzan on Robert Abela • The new prime...