We need to get rid of the last vestiges of protectionism in the cab industry
It is pretty obvious that the decision to control the presence of Y-plate cabs in these key locations is not one motivated by a higher public good but more of...
It is pretty obvious that the decision to control the...

Cartoon: 09 June 2024
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Now’s the chance to influence who all six MEPs will be
Voting is a right we often take for granted and yet it is a privilege to be...
Voting is a right we often take for granted and yet it is a...

The final lap | Claudette Abela Baldacchino
My pledge this time around is to make sure such anti-Malta arrogance does not...
My pledge this time around is to make sure such anti-Malta...

Courage to vote… for the environment | Mark Scerri
In Malta, a very high proportion of our environmental legislation originates...
In Malta, a very high proportion of our environmental...