No such thing as an innocent bystander on sexual abuse
Evarist Bartolo
 In situations where sexual abuse on minors takes place, there are no bystanders. There are aggressors, accomplices and the victims.
An immigration-based economy?
Michael Falzon
For the first time we have an emerging tangible difference between Joseph Muscat and Adrian Delia on economic policy...
Social justice, solidarity, compassion blah, blah, blah
Saviour Balzan

For all we care, they are scum and they can drown to the bottom of the deep...

For all we care, they are scum and they can drown to the...

‘Foreigners’ can read what you are saying too, you know
Josanne Cassar

How do you suddenly decide to move to another country without a job, a place to...

How do you suddenly decide to move to another country...

Diversity, but no unity

It now appears that the EU has come full circle: if not actually taken a step backwards. After the mandatory responsibility-sharing mechanism which introduced...

It now appears that the EU has come full circle: if not...

Europe’s strongmen and democracy | Michael Falzon
Michael Falzon

Rather than recognising that Fidesz has no place in a party that is supposed to...

Rather than recognising that Fidesz has no place in a party...

A profession, but also a vocation
Evarist Bartolo

Teachers and kindergarten assistants at Mater Dei do invaluable work in almost impossible circumstances. Together with the nursing and medical staff there,...

Teachers and kindergarten assistants at Mater Dei do...

Communication undertakings such as Vodafone to continue paying the cost of legal interception obligations
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court concluded that the only way by which the Authorities could be found to have abused their position and implemented an ultra...

The Court concluded that the only way by which the...

Does public harassment of politicians work?
Josanne Cassar

To intrude when someone is having lunch or dinner and start berating them while...

To intrude when someone is having lunch or dinner and start...

Sovereignty is as sovereignty does...
Raphael Vassallo

The EU quite frankly doesn’t care about our problems... still less about solving them for us

The EU quite frankly doesn’t care about our...

This battle is not over... yet
Raphael Vassallo

Ironically, the only people who ever told them the full truth about EU regulations were Birdlife Malta and Alternattiva Demokratika: the two entities that the...

Ironically, the only people who ever told them the full...

Utopian, but not impossible

If the EU finds the political will to engage seriously and effectively with Libya, solutions may eventually be found

If the EU finds the political will to engage seriously and...

To be or not to be President
Saviour Balzan

'If one were to read Muscat’s mind, he must have felt Coleiro Preca was too strong witted and opinionated to serve the reforms that need to see this...

'If one were to read Muscat’s mind, he must have...

Controversial laws and conscientious objection
Josanne Cassar

President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca should either have not made her statement...

President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca should either have not...

If need be, Dublin rule changes should be made without unanimity
Roberta Metsola

We need to look seriously into having EU-run and EU-funded disembarkation...

We need to look seriously into having EU-run and EU-funded...

Too little Europe causing uncertain times
Joseph Muscat

Solidarity is not the reverse of resolve or loving one’s country. Those...

Solidarity is not the reverse of resolve or loving...

All the President’s misgivings

It would be a gross distortion of democracy, for the government to be held hostage by the incumbent President’s moral sensitivities

It would be a gross distortion of democracy, for the...

Pinching the media bubble
Evarist Bartolo

Political parties having their own newsrooms might sound strange to foreigners, but the polarisation of this country means this is a reality

Political parties having their own newsrooms might sound...

Carpenter has to pay for difference of prices for replacement works
Malcolm Mifsud

The Magistrate’s Court in Gozo ordered a carpenter to pay for the...

The Magistrate’s Court in Gozo ordered a carpenter to...

Why is it so difficult to just give us the facts?
Josanne Cassar

Tearing down old houses and doing away with old trees speaks of a ruthless,...

Tearing down old houses and doing away with old trees...