Cartoon: 21 April 2024
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Where are Labour’s feminists?
Whoever took the decision to withdraw the suspension and give Clint Axisa a job at IM when the court case is still underway has simply ignored the impact such...
Whoever took the decision to withdraw the suspension and...

Water audit at St Augustine College reveals student habits and perspectives | Mikael Balzan, Mattia Stafrace
The focus of the Committee is an educational campaign through information posters, contributions in the student-led newsletter, and a Campus-wide quiz
The focus of the Committee is an educational campaign...

Why Bernard Grech must go | Frank Camilleri
That is why Labour wins in the surveys and the Nationalists do not budge
That is why Labour wins in the surveys and the Nationalists...

Why voting in European elections matters
Even if EU institutions may feel too far away and aloof from the daily struggles people face, Malta is part of these decision-making structures and not an...
Even if EU institutions may feel too far away and aloof...

A judge’s timely reminder that getting back to normal is still a tough trek
Mr Justice Lawrence Mintoff’s scathing remarks on Keith Schembri’s conflict of interest are ostensibly, the strongest to be made by a respected...
Mr Justice Lawrence Mintoff’s scathing remarks on...

Tackling overcrowding in the renting industry | Matthew Attard
Removing overcrowding is the first step towards introducing standards in the...
Removing overcrowding is the first step towards introducing...

Time for Bernard Grech to bow out | Frank Camilleri
I believe the one and only person who can put PN supporters on a sound footing...
I believe the one and only person who can put PN supporters...

Abortion referendum is undesirable but practical way forward
Just as Malta introduced divorce in 2011 after a referendum, the same can...
Just as Malta introduced divorce in 2011 after a...