Cartoon: 10th September 2017
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea
Every day is like Sunday
MaltaToday's editorial: With Malta’s economy transforming at a fast pace, there is now a very real danger that a shared understanding of what is...
MaltaToday's editorial: With Malta’s economy...
Post-truth world not good for man’s future
Parliaments are important, as are political leaders, but people suffer in spite...
Parliaments are important, as are political leaders, but...
The race isn’t over yet
The result of Saturday's first round of voting in the PN leadership election was an eye-opener but can we predict the eventual election result?
The result of Saturday's first round of voting in the...
Of funds and creativity
A formal request has been filed to the Ministry for Education and Employment to discuss the formula used to allocate central funds to State schools. How will...
A formal request has been filed to the Ministry for...
Cartoon: 3rd September 2017
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea
‘Building the Railroad’
More than 20,000 foreigners have come to Malta in recent years: according to the JobsPlus director, “attracting them again, and in larger numbers, is a...
More than 20,000 foreigners have come to Malta in recent...