The underdog
Saviour Balzan
Many of those who still run the institutions have not been removed not because of some ‘taghna lkoll’ diktat, but simply because the term in office has still not...
Water off a duck’s back
Josanne Cassar
It is a sad state of affairs that so many people feel that as long as they have money in their pockets, they are willing to close an eye to governmental wrongdoings
The Whip: creature of convention
Kevin Aquilina

The relationship between the Whip and MPs is based on party loyalty

The relationship between the Whip and MPs is based on party...

A homeless man sleeping on Liberace’s star
Evarist Bartolo

A sustainable mix of the different forms of development has to be achieved...

A sustainable mix of the different forms of...

Grounded by reality

There is room for further negotiations on both sides

There is room for further negotiations on both sides

No Turkish delight
Michael Falzon

Erdogan’s savage reaction to the attempted coup led some to believe that the coup was a fake, a staged affair

Erdogan’s savage reaction to the attempted coup led...

Gone to the blogs
Raphael Vassallo

There has to be bilateral disarmament of paparazzi journalism

There has to be bilateral disarmament of paparazzi...

Let’s stop resisting being bilingual
Josanne Cassar

When it comes to passing written exams or even when it comes to writing properly in English, we are obviously floundering

When it comes to passing written exams or even when it...

’Tis the season to be silly
Saviour Balzan

L-Orizzont is most of the time not interested in debate but in unadulterated propaganda, spin and drivel. Just like In-Nazzjon ...

L-Orizzont is most of the time not interested in debate but...

Cartoon: 24 July 2016

Pokémon GO for children... but not for every child

Pokémon GO for children... but not for every child

An action of spoliation is one of public order
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court held that the plaintiff did not have a right to an action of...

The Court held that the plaintiff did not have a right to...

Bachelors against condoms

There would have been no need for the morning-after pill if the celibate bachelors had not railed against condoms

There would have been no need for the...

Not one whimper

Is one to conclude that all the distress exhibited by the Archbishop and Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi was for show?

Is one to conclude that all the distress exhibited by...

Now you see them, now you don’t!

“Le fin des Chrétiens d’Orient” is available in its original French, in Spanish as “El fin de los cristianos de...

“Le fin des Chrétiens d’Orient” is...

Can Muscat speak of elitism when he is building his own establishment?
James Debono

Joseph Muscat cannot play the establishment card against the Opposition without throwing a spotlight on the influence of Maltese fat cats in political...

Joseph Muscat cannot play the establishment card against...

Pokémon GO, harmless fun or disconnecting us from reality?
Josanne Cassar

Is Pokémon GO like religion? Uplifting and comforting for some, or...

Is Pokémon GO like religion? Uplifting and...

Life is like a box of chocolates
Raphael Vassallo

What was clearly intended as a maxim to illustrate the unpredictability of life, actually illustrates the clean opposite

What was clearly intended as a maxim to illustrate the...

An ill wind blows nobody any good

It seems the likeliest outcome of the failed military coup in Turkey is further erosion of the democratic process

It seems the likeliest outcome of the failed military coup...

Cartoon: 20 July 2016

Mayhem in Turkey...

Mayhem in Turkey...

Malta’s unlikely responsibility…
Daniel Fiott

Malta has a vested interest in keeping security and defence firmly on the EU’s agenda

Malta has a vested interest in keeping security and defence...