Towards higher ethical standards
It is fitting that Parliament is currently debating a bill to scrutinise the ethical behaviour of MPs, people of trust and government advisors and consultants
The age of political media is over
Raphael Vassallo
The political media does not produce journalism. It does a Mafia-style hit-job, nothing more, nothing less. In the hands of political parties, ‘the media’ has become a...
Between principle and political reality

‘Panamagate’ touches on several crucial endemic problems with our political system, first and foremost the question of accountability

‘Panamagate’ touches on several crucial endemic...

Never been a better time than right now
Raphael Vassallo

Having howled for years about the secrecy of the Gonzi administration with regard to public contracts, the present government has doggedly refused to publish...

Having howled for years about the secrecy of the Gonzi...

Cartoon: 9 March 2016
Not just saying ‘no’ to gambling
Evarist Bartolo

Students will also understand that they have obligations and responsibilities towards the community and that they have to be ethical

Students will also understand that they have obligations...

No, both parties are not the same
Mark Anthony Sammut

Millions of our hard-earned taxes have been spent to reward friends, to bail out friends, and to enrich the pockets of the innermost circle.

Millions of our hard-earned taxes have been spent to reward...

Losing the moral compass
Michael Falzon

Muscat’s administration has reached a defining moment: whether to go on ignoring the moral compass or make the right ethical choices

Muscat’s administration has reached a defining...

The two-party system has failed. Get over it
Raphael Vassallo

The alternative is to carry on voting for a system we all know has always...

The alternative is to carry on voting for a system we all...

A government in denial

The Prime Minister must come to terms with the seriousness of the situation for another reason: ‘Panamagate’ has also exposed glaring...

The Prime Minister must come to terms with the seriousness...

Letters: 6 March 2016
The incorruptible(s)
Saviour Balzan

Somehow I was still waiting for the PM to pronounce some innovative administrative steps to sort of ensure that politicians are more transparent about their...

Somehow I was still waiting for the PM to pronounce some...

Why people don’t trust the media
Josanne Cassar

We should not allow ourselves to get sidetracked by the well-oiled partisan propaganda which will start to dictate the media agenda and make us lose sight of...

We should not allow ourselves to get sidetracked by the...

Cartoon: 6 March 2016

Joseph Muscat's announcement that he is in favour of a debate on gay marriage, in the midst of the 'Panamagate' scandal, is received with some...

Joseph Muscat's announcement that he is in favour of a...

Interpretation of a contract is taken from the wording of the contract
Malcolm Mifsud

The interpretation of a contract is done in accordance with Article 1002 of the Civil Code and therefore, the interpretation should be extracted from the...

The interpretation of a contract is done in accordance with...

Wanted: a quantum leap forward
Raphael Vassallo

A public protest? Against corruption? Organised by the Nationalist Party? You may as well expect us to attend an anti-racism rally organised by the Ku Klux...

A public protest? Against corruption? Organised by the...

Good governance cannot be an empty pledge

A warning shot has been fired across the bows of Prime Minister Joseph...

A warning shot has been fired across the bows of Prime...

It’s not about Panama, it’s about us
Jurgen Balzan

There has never been a better time, or a greater need, for a third party (or more) to break the system and at least save a bit of the family silver from the...

There has never been a better time, or a greater need, for...

Cartoon: 2 March 2016

Return of the Brazil billboard... now for Mizzi's Panama connection

Return of the Brazil billboard... now for Mizzi's...

XL comes to Malta
Evarist Bartolo

The qualification of the XL Programme into the MQF will ensure that skills and qualifications young people achieve through the programme are acknowledged

The qualification of the XL Programme into the MQF will...