The untouchables
There is a lacuna that must be addressed with urgency: public servants, and chairpersons/officials of public entities and national agencies such as the MFSA, should be made...
At least the Cincinnati zoo was licensed...
Raphael Vassallo
PR nightmares have plagued the profession of zoo-keeping the world over
Notion of a nation
Saviour Balzan

Everywhere you look, it appears that everyone is on the take.  Everyone has a price, and money, I am afraid, has no political colour.

Everywhere you look, it appears that everyone is on the...

Patriot games and porkies
Josanne Cassar

It is pretty ironic to call yourself a patriot when you immediately lash out against your fellow countrymen just because they don’t agree with you. It is...

It is pretty ironic to call yourself a patriot when you...

Cartoon: 17 January 2016

Another crusader steps in to ward off marauding 'Muslamics' - Ghaqda Patriotti Maltin leader Alex Pisani rides a pantomime horse as he prepares to...

Another crusader steps in to ward off marauding...

Civil disobedience is the Palestinians’ best option
Alon Ben-Meir

What has not been given much attention is civil disobedience, which is perhaps...

What has not been given much attention is civil...

The Magical Mystery Tour
Raphael Vassallo

Where Frenc tal-Gharb has been allowed to retain his status as magical mystery guru of Gharb, Angelik Caruana’s identical claims to spiritual stardom...

Where Frenc tal-Gharb has been allowed to retain his status...

Fear and loathing is no solution

Reports emerging from Cologne, and other cities in Germany and beyond, have unleashed a wave of anger towards the open door policy.

Reports emerging from Cologne, and other cities in Germany...

Cartoon: 13 January 2016

Once again, the force registers a social media disturbance

Once again, the force registers a social media disturbance

Independent reading
Evarist Bartolo

The development of early literacy skills has a positive impact on a child’s success in learning to read independently later on in life

The development of early literacy skills has a positive...

The execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr
Frank Psaila

Al-Nimr’s execution was no miscalculation but it proved to be a very short-sighted decision which might come back to haunt Saudi Arabia. If the unrest...

Al-Nimr’s execution was no miscalculation but it...

Why Archbishop Scicluna is a breath of fresh air
James Debono

I have proudly voted yes for divorce and supported the introduction of civil...

I have proudly voted yes for divorce and supported the...

Towards a fairer asylum policy

One must acknowledge the government’s newfound commitment to respect one crucial part of its electoral mandate: the part concerning human rights.

One must acknowledge the government’s newfound...

Inside Joseph’s kitchen cabinet
Michael Falzon

The weakest link limits the strength of the chain. Muscat has been ill-served by his own chosen cronies

The weakest link limits the strength of the chain. Muscat...

The Frenc connection
Raphael Vassallo

If a hypothetical researcher were to publish a PhD thesis on Ebejer’s work, and impugn the author with some improbable and patently fabricated vice...

If a hypothetical researcher were to publish a PhD thesis...

There is a time for prayer, and a time for prudence
Josanne Cassar

Seeing a large manifestation of men gathered together, even though they were...

Seeing a large manifestation of men gathered together, even...

The need to get one’s act together
Cartoon: 10 January 2016

Somebody is getting high on the Frenc stuff...

Somebody is getting high on the Frenc stuff...

In these dangerous times we should not scapegoat innocent Muslims
Carmen Sammut

Since when has prayer become dangerous? The danger lies in fanaticism, the...

Since when has prayer become dangerous? The danger lies in...

Taking people for a ride
Ralph Cassar

Għarb Local Council is going bananas. If the Nationalist Party, whose principles most of the Għarb councillors subscribe to should pull their ears for making...

Għarb Local Council is going bananas. If the Nationalist...