Cartoon: 17 January 2016
Another crusader steps in to ward off marauding 'Muslamics' - Ghaqda Patriotti Maltin leader Alex Pisani rides a pantomime horse as he prepares to...
Another crusader steps in to ward off marauding...
Fear and loathing is no solution
Reports emerging from Cologne, and other cities in Germany and beyond, have unleashed a wave of anger towards the open door policy.
Reports emerging from Cologne, and other cities in Germany...
Cartoon: 13 January 2016
Once again, the force registers a social media disturbance
Once again, the force registers a social media disturbance
Towards a fairer asylum policy
One must acknowledge the government’s newfound commitment to respect one crucial part of its electoral mandate: the part concerning human rights.
One must acknowledge the government’s newfound...
Cartoon: 10 January 2016
Somebody is getting high on the Frenc stuff...
Somebody is getting high on the Frenc stuff...