Letters: 20 March 2016
The stuff that makes men
Saviour Balzan
At times there is no guarantee that justice, or what is right, prevails in the end
A paradigm shift for politics

This spate of high-level resignations already indicated a profound paradigm shift in Malta’s political landscape: which had formerly been characterised...

This spate of high-level resignations already indicated a...

Healthcare for the 21st century

By Chris Fearne

By Chris Fearne

Last man standing
Raphael Vassallo

There is a war of attrition going on here: an eye for an eye, and a member of parliament for a member of parliament. But the analogy goes well beyond the most...

There is a war of attrition going on here: an eye for an...

Cartoon: 4 November 2015

Joe Cassar's resignation sends a few shockwaves another way...

Joe Cassar's resignation sends a few shockwaves another...

Labour’s sun sets with Muscat
Mark Anthony Sammut

Is it not ironic that Joseph Muscat is more worried about salami and sausages, than about those carcinogenic issues his government should be tackling: traffic,...

Is it not ironic that Joseph Muscat is more worried about...

21st century skills and learning outcomes
Evarist Bartolo

The introduction of learning outcomes pedagogy is meant to move away from the...

The introduction of learning outcomes pedagogy is meant to...

Driving etiquette can ease the traffic tension

By Jorg Sicot, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar

By Jorg Sicot, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar

Cartoon: 1 November 2015

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat says he has a ten-year plan for his leadership...

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat says he has a ten-year plan...

A gift by any other name

Clear, unequivocal rules are therefore needed to ensure that Malta’s House of Representatives does not degenerate into a marketplace for politicians and...

Clear, unequivocal rules are therefore needed to ensure...

Changeover and continuity
Michael Falzon

Keeping secret state agreements that somehow involve public financial matters should be a ‘no no’ for any government of any democratic...

Keeping secret state agreements that somehow involve public...

Embryos should be shown the same respect as children

By Suzanne Vella and members of Save The Embryo Protection Act

By Suzanne Vella and members of Save The Embryo...

Letters: 1 November 2015
The Caflangu and the frame-up
Saviour Balzan

To claim that all those gifts from Gaffarena were now part of some elaborate frame-up was utterly silly and stupid. 

To claim that all those gifts from Gaffarena were now part...

Is it worth it?
Josanne Cassar

It cannot be denied that there is a definite sickness at the core of our society; a sickness which has grown deeper over the years and is now so pervasive that...

It cannot be denied that there is a definite sickness at...

Criminalise our children, please…
Raphael Vassallo

As I have often observed, just mention the frightening word ‘drugs’, and all logic and common sense immediately flies out of the window.

As I have often observed, just mention the frightening word...

When a latent defect claim is time-barred
Malcolm Mifsud

In his application Vella Laurenti had purchased a property in Xaghra, Gozo on...

In his application Vella Laurenti had purchased a property...

The criminal libel bandwagon

Even if never carried out, the threat of prison in itself constitutes a direct affront to freedom of expression. But there are other, less direct threats...

Even if never carried out, the threat of prison in itself...

Human rights apply to masons, too…
Raphael Vassallo

The ‘nastiest move’ imaginable, back in the 1920s, was to label someone a ‘mason’. How on earth do you explain that to someone who...

The ‘nastiest move’ imaginable, back in the...