The unravelling of Turkey’s democracy
Alon Ben-Meir
Erdogan’s appetite for increasing power, harsh treatment of dissidents, religious zeal, and narcissistic predisposition made him feared by much of Turkish society yet...
Departmental decision is required for judicial review
Malcolm Mifsud
A court may delve into a government department’s decision and not into preparatory measures. 
In politics, never shoot down
Frank Psaila

The fact that Joseph Muscat feels the need to attack Simon Busuttil, instead of focusing on the economy, tells us something about Muscat’s own...

The fact that Joseph Muscat feels the need to attack Simon...

Cartoon: 28 October 2015

Joseph Muscat is worried about the WHO's report on carcinogenic symptoms of meat products

Joseph Muscat is worried about the WHO's report on...

Migration – as old as humanity
Michael Falzon

This everlasting activity is now also reaching the shores of our small island in a more pronounced way, provoking some short-sighted individuals to believe...

This everlasting activity is now also reaching the shores...

A political stalemate

In his two-hour speech in Parliament, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat went to great lengths to discredit the Opposition leader’s economic credentials while...

In his two-hour speech in Parliament, Prime Minister Joseph...

Holy Budget, Batman!
Raphael Vassallo

Almost everywhere you look in the world today, what passes for ‘political debate’ is increasingly beginning to resemble the climactic final round...

Almost everywhere you look in the world today, what passes...

Letters: 25 October 2015
We must stop stoking hatred
Saviour Balzan

I do not believe the woman is sorry for anything, and if I had to put together the innumerable number of times she has hit out at those closest to me, I...

I do not believe the woman is sorry for anything, and if I...

When it comes to ‘jobs for the boys’, will Malta ever change?
Josanne Cassar

I'm asking politicians to please do us all a favour. Respect our...

I'm asking politicians to please do us all a favour....

Cartoon: 25 October 2015

Far-rightist Norman Lowell has appeals a decision acquitting MaltaToday of defamation in his regard

Far-rightist Norman Lowell has appeals a decision...

Skating on thin ice
Angelo Chetcuti

When sport becomes an economic activity, it has to balance out its traditional autonomy and specificity on one hand, and compliance with market and employment...

When sport becomes an economic activity, it has to balance...

Puli’s bluster on ‘gay books’ and Islamic veils is miguided
James Debono

Our society should support women and men who denounce abuse and exploitation,...

Our society should support women and men who denounce abuse...

Court agrees with husband’s eviction after separation
Malcolm Mifsud

The First Hall of the Civil Court agreed that the Family Court had to order a...

The First Hall of the Civil Court agreed that the Family...

Budgets, tunnels and books for teachers
Ralph Cassar

I might as well stop writing about the tunnel – mark my words, it will never happen. In the meantime the real and difficult solutions to sustainable...

I might as well stop writing about the tunnel – mark...

Cartoon: 21 October 2015

Some tunnel madness...

Some tunnel madness...

Last nail in the ‘Eco Gozo’ coffin

The prospect of construction works near or under Comino should send shivers down the spine of any Environment Authority.

The prospect of construction works near or under Comino...

Trapped… on bird trapping
Raphael Vassallo

The government of Malta presses on with a flagrant illegality, thus subliminally sending out the message that ‘laws’ are only there to be urinated...

The government of Malta presses on with a flagrant...

Business, and environmentally-friendly
Leo Brincat

A strong and healthy economy called for a strong push in the direction of the environmental and social sectors, and this is indeed what Budget 2016 did.

A strong and healthy economy called for a strong push in...

Bridges to employability
Evarist Bartolo

The Europe 2020 strategy is about delivering growth that is: smart, through effective investments in education, research and innovation; and that is...

The Europe 2020 strategy is about delivering growth that...