The Dorks Awaken…
Raphael Vassallo
While some of us await in joyful hope the seventh instalment of this epic space fantasy saga, for others the same event looms as ominously as an approaching Death Sta
Cartoon: 16 December 2015
Blame it on Game of Thrones
Raphael Vassallo

The European Bank crippled Greece by curtailing its banking system, starving out the country’s finances so that its public officials – including...

The European Bank crippled Greece by curtailing its banking...

Whose job is it to ‘watch MEPA like a hawk’?

The government’s ‘strategic plan for the environment’ had...

The government’s ‘strategic plan for the...

Cold ‘xawer’ for the language

Reactions to Prof. Henry Frendo's letter to MaltaToday from Prof. Albert Borg, chairman of the Institute of Linguistics at the University of Malta, Joseph...

Reactions to Prof. Henry Frendo's letter to MaltaToday...

How relevant is it?
Saviour Balzan

There is at present in Malta an attempt to give the impression that CHOGM has some very important reference to our lives

There is at present in Malta an attempt to give the...

Letters: 19 July 2015
Defining all those -isms
Josanne Cassar

In some cases, a knee-jerk racism against certain people is so deeply entrenched and so widespread, that many people are completely oblivious to the fact their...

In some cases, a knee-jerk racism against certain people is...

Cartoon: 19 July 2015

On Leo Brincat's call to the people to watch Mepa like a hawk

On Leo Brincat's call to the people to watch Mepa like...

Replacement of street lighting does not constitute spoliation
Malcolm Mifsud

The First Hall of the Civil Court presided by Mr Justice Joseph Azzopardi held...

The First Hall of the Civil Court presided by Mr Justice...

Cartoon: 15 July 2015

Thom Cuschieri's take on the outcome of EU negotiations that averted a Grexit

Thom Cuschieri's take on the outcome of EU negotiations...

Greece may be financially bankrupt, the EU is politically so
Frank Psaila

Last Sunday Greece – the cradle of democracy – voted,...

Last Sunday Greece – the cradle of democracy –...

Wanted: more students learning languages
Evarist Bartolo

A large number of students are leaving school at the age of 16 with no certification in foreign language skills, even though they have studied them for a...

A large number of students are leaving school at the age of...

Humiliating Greece comes at a price

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s stance before the longest summit in EU history got underway on Sunday afternoon contrasted greatly with the dovish stand...

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s stance before the...

The Grexit guillotine
James Debono

Faced with Grexit Tsipras had no choice but to accept the terms of a toxic deal but as European citizens we are duty bound to oppose it.

Faced with Grexit Tsipras had no choice but to accept the...

Closing the gaps on freedom of expression

The latest reform signals a change in Maltese governments’...

The latest reform signals a change in Maltese...

Malta? It’s one massive sex shop already…
Raphael Vassallo

 I was starting to get a little worried. When was the next morality crisis...

 I was starting to get a little worried. When was the...

Letters: 12 July 2015
Too hot to handle
Josanne Cassar

Watching Junior Eurovision has once again raised my suspicion of something that has been happening for several years now all around us, the early sexualization...

Watching Junior Eurovision has once again raised my...

Cartoon: 12 July 2015

Countdown to EU negotiations on a new Greek bailout... will Germany force the Greeks out of the eurozone?

Countdown to EU negotiations on a new Greek bailout... will...