The President’s new clothes…
Raphael Vassallo
They are merely the heads of government in Commonwealth countries. No one else in the rest of the world is paying the remotest attention to anything they do or say… still...
A shadow over CHOGM
Recent events, including the terrorist attacks in Paris, the Russian airliner downed in Egypt, as well as escalating tensions between Russia and Turkey have dramatically altered...
Muscat’s attacks on Busuttil may end up helping the PN
Frank Psaila

Unsurprisingly, there is widespread dissatisfaction with the government on...

Unsurprisingly, there is widespread dissatisfaction with...

Assets and liabilities

There is mounting evidence that the annual declaration of assets is not taken seriously by the ministers themselves, and more pointedly by the public at...

There is mounting evidence that the annual declaration of...

Not to say ‘I told you so’, but…
Raphael Vassallo

Two weeks ago I accurately predicted that any politician, from any party, would be instantly pilloried for daring to even mention the word...

Two weeks ago I accurately predicted that any politician,...

Letters: 28 June 2015
A true Maltese passes away
Saviour Balzan

He was perhaps Malta’s most caring anthropologist; not only did he study Maltese society, he also had a high esteem for Malta and the Maltese. 

He was perhaps Malta’s most caring anthropologist;...

In our demand for more, are we losing ourselves?
Josanne Cassar

Our lives in Malta have spun headlong into a frantic pace of wanting everything...

Our lives in Malta have spun headlong into a frantic pace...

A jactitation suit cannot be instituted when the claim by the defendant is brought about by the provocative actions of the plaintiff

The First Hall Civil Court presided by Ms Justice Jacqueline Padovani Grima held in a judgment on 15 June, 2015 that a jactication suit in terms of Article 403...

The First Hall Civil Court presided by Ms Justice...

Government must prove it listens

Perhaps we have become so inured to empty catchphrases that we no longer even expect incoming governments to actually stand by their electoral promises.

Perhaps we have become so inured to empty catchphrases...

The end of democracy
Raphael Vassallo

It is, I suppose, fitting that the same country that introduced us all to the concept of democracy, should also be the one to show us exactly where it all ends.

It is, I suppose, fitting that the same country that...

A day for the police
Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan’s video blog

Saviour Balzan’s video blog

Cartoon: 24 June 2015

Time running out for Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras and his finance minister Yanis Varoufakis

Time running out for Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras...

Towards a brighter future
Evarist Bartolo

For this academic year MCAST has 6,500 full time students and a further 4,000 following a course on a part-time basis.

For this academic year MCAST has 6,500 full time students...

Creating new natural parks, while destroying Zonqor
Ryan Callus

How credible is this government in seeking to designate new natural parks, when...

How credible is this government in seeking to designate new...

Past transgressions cannot be forgotten
Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan’s videoblog: ‘Consistency and credibility are also important when it comes to people posturing on the environmental front’

Saviour Balzan’s videoblog: ‘Consistency and...

The real absolutism in the Zonqor saga
James Debono

Muscat is a tactician who knows how to pander to the middle ground, but the absolutism in the Zonqor saga comes from those who persist on ODZ development, not...

Muscat is a tactician who knows how to pander to the middle...

The thin red lines

The overwhelming impression is that the entire island is turning into one continuous building site.

The overwhelming impression is that the entire island is...

Where is Renzo Piano when you need him?
Raphael Vassallo

It's a win-win situation - You get to keep your ugly concrete structure and the rest of the country gets a proud new meaningless architectural...

It's a win-win situation - You get to keep your...

Letters: 21 June 2015