A political stalemate
In his two-hour speech in Parliament, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat went to great lengths to discredit the Opposition leader’s economic credentials while stressing his...
Holy Budget, Batman!
Raphael Vassallo
Almost everywhere you look in the world today, what passes for ‘political debate’ is increasingly beginning to resemble the climactic final round between Rocky Balboa...
Air Malta must remain a national asset

The government remains committed to turning the company around and make it “commercially viable by 2016” – but past efforts, including a...

The government remains committed to turning the company...

Who investigates the investigators?
Raphael Vassallo

My concern here is not with whether the allegations are true or not... but rather, with how they were handled by the authorities

My concern here is not with whether the allegations are...

Political dishonesty at Zonqor point
James Debono

The government's claim to the high moral ground lies buried under the soil at Zonqor. What we need now is an imbalance in favour of the environment.

The government's claim to the high moral ground lies...

Cartoon: 20 May 2015

Carving up Zonqor Point for Sadeen

Carving up Zonqor Point for Sadeen

Who needs science? Everyone
Evarist Bartolo

The importance of science cannot be stressed strongly enough: Malta features low in science graduates among EU countries

The importance of science cannot be stressed strongly...

Building the electoral machine for 2018
Frank Psaila

The PN cannot go to the polls in 2018 without a well-oiled electoral machine… a huge challenge because electoral campaigns cost money

The PN cannot go to the polls in 2018 without a well-oiled...

It’s a choice we’re making…
Raphael Vassallo

Last Wednesday, the foreign ministers of the NATO countries met in Antalya, southern Turkey, to discuss strategies for dealing with Russia in the wake of the...

Last Wednesday, the foreign ministers of the NATO countries...

A credibility test for Muscat

Initially, the choice of the Zonqor site for the development of a new university campus was presented as a provisional decision, with the government claiming...

Initially, the choice of the Zonqor site for the...

Letters: 17 May 2015
Plonk it here, please
Saviour Balzan

No sooner had Muscat declared his new conversion to environmentalism than he was unexpectedly but proudly celebrating the proposed building of a university...

No sooner had Muscat declared his new conversion to...

How green was my valley
Josanne Cassar

I’m finding it very difficult to hold a conversation with those who are reading from the Muscat Handbook on ‘What to Say to Those who are Against...

I’m finding it very difficult to hold a conversation...

Julian Manduca, ten years after
Saviour Balzan

What would Julian say of the state of the environment today under a Labour government? Perhaps this is the fairest question we ask ourselves today, measuring...

What would Julian say of the state of the environment today...

Cartoon: 17 May 2015

Prosecution demands freezing of Anthony Debono's assets...

Prosecution demands freezing of Anthony Debono's...

Saviour Balzan’s videoblog
Saviour Balzan

As opposition against development in outside development zone areas continues to increase, Saviour Balzan says Joseph Muscat should strive to find alternative...

As opposition against development in outside development...

Court declares commercial agreement as time barred
Malcolm Mifsud

The first hall of the civil courts on 4 May, 2015 in Edward Pavia & EMA Ltd...

The first hall of the civil courts on 4 May, 2015 in Edward...

A blessing in disguise for the PN

The recent resignation of former Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono from the Nationalist Party – but not from parliament, where she retains the seat she won...

The recent resignation of former Gozo Minister Giovanna...

Comparisons are odious, but sewage plants are necessary
James Debono

Better a university on outside-development zones than a sewage treatment plant?...

Better a university on outside-development zones than a...

Cartoon: 13 May 2015

EU leaders get ready to search and destroy smugglers boats... war games revisited.

EU leaders get ready to search and destroy smugglers...