Offside on De Valette
Matthew Vella
Was the Monti relocation ‘mediocre’ because it’s easy to lay it at Labour’s stinky feet? Or does the PN get to do what it likes because of its innate...
Making way for new blood
Josanne Cassar
It is very easy to empathize with someone who feel his days as a professional are not “over” and that he has a lot more to give. This enthusiasm, however, should never...
A step away from gender prejudice

Primarily, this bill gives legal recognition to a class of people who were previously denied any official status: and, consequently, rights.

Primarily, this bill gives legal recognition to a class of...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan: Spring hunting retained thanks to Muscat

20% of Labour voters would have voted 'no' to spring hunting regardless...

20% of Labour voters would have voted 'no' to...

Yes victory: a poisoned chalice for Muscat
James Debono

No amount of discursive spin can redeem Joseph Muscat’s name with those...

No amount of discursive spin can redeem Joseph...

Letters: 12 April 2015
I’ll believe it when I see it
Josanne Cassar

From the beginning the biggest challenge was apathy because this issue did not stir many people’s emotions enough for them to rouse themselves up and...

From the beginning the biggest challenge was apathy because...

Angry birds and disillusioned democrats
Jurgen Balzan

The fight is far from over. The demands of the green lobby have neither been neutralised nor buried

The fight is far from over. The demands of the green lobby...

Cartoon: 12 April 2015

Joseph Muscat invites Lawrence Gonzi to the unveiling of the interconnector to pay him tribute while Simon Busuttil claims that the prime minister has divided...

Joseph Muscat invites Lawrence Gonzi to the unveiling of...

Don’t open that tin…
Raphael Vassallo

Political parties too should have an ‘expiry date’ stamped in smudgy ink somewhere on the package. ‘Best before 1976’. Yes, that...

Political parties too should have an ‘expiry...

Oh yes, it’s a ‘no’, Oh no, it’s a ‘yes’
Saviour Balzan

Considering that only half of the local councils were being contested it was...

Considering that only half of the local councils were being...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

Prelude to voting day for the 2015 spring hunting referendum

Prelude to voting day for the 2015 spring hunting referendum

Probation is not excluded for long-serving prisoners
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court of Criminal Appeal in Il-Pulizija –v- Alfred Bugeja and Clive...

The Court of Criminal Appeal in Il-Pulizija –v-...

Why we ask you to vote no

This issue goes beyond party politics. The disproportionate sense of empowerment among the most lawless of the hunting community means spring hunting has to...

This issue goes beyond party politics. The disproportionate...

Silent springs… no thank you
Carmel Hili

In modern civilised society the senseless killing of birds just for the thrill of it is both morally and ethically unacceptable. Birds have a right to live as...

In modern civilised society the senseless killing of birds...

Spring hunting | Let’s talk about rights and democracy
Ylenia Rosso

Generalized judgments lead to malicious sentiments; on a deep public scale this...

Generalized judgments lead to malicious sentiments; on a...

I mean, honestly…
Raphael Vassallo

This is the same Chris Said who was last seen explaining that, in his view, offering private construction work to a constituent for free, at the...

This is the same Chris Said who was last seen explaining...

The sky’s the limit

There are other objections to high-rise in Malta which are not based on irrational fears alone

There are other objections to high-rise in Malta which are...

Don’t give in to burnout
Kevin-James Fenech

Many professionals, managers, leaders, business owners, etc, have at some time or another experienced burnout. It is a dangerous state to get yourself in and...

Many professionals, managers, leaders, business owners,...

Cartoon: 8 April 2015

Jalal Husni Bey of the HB Group tells the Maltese not fear high-rise buildings as he embarks on the Metropolis tower project in Gzira

Jalal Husni Bey of the HB Group tells the Maltese not fear...