Cartoon: 24 June 2015
Time running out for Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras and his finance minister Yanis Varoufakis
Towards a brighter future
Evarist Bartolo
For this academic year MCAST has 6,500 full time students and a further 4,000 following a course on a part-time basis.
Cartoon: 21 January 2015
New relationships planned between companies and schools
Evarist Bartolo

The Ministry for Education and Employment, together with the social partners,...

The Ministry for Education and Employment, together with...

Hunger in the year of sustainable development
Leo Brincat

There is no doubt that apart from making a mockery of the whole notion of...

There is no doubt that apart from making a mockery of the...

The face of change
Ryan Callus

Having spent almost two years at the helm of the party, Simon Busuttil is slowly, but persistently, succeeding in re-establishing the Nationalist Party to...

Having spent almost two years at the helm of the party,...

In need of a game changer

The change in leadership of June 2013 has clearly not worked to reverse the political tide for the party in opposition. Unless this changes, the prospects of a...

The change in leadership of June 2013 has clearly not...

Hunting has flown beyond the parties’ reach
Raphael Vassallo

Just about everything that happened in connection with hunting in the last 20...

Just about everything that happened in connection with...

Letters: 18 January 2015
Muscat, the comeback kid
Josanne Cassar

Trying to decipher just why this particular PM manages to survive one political crisis after another, my conclusion is simple: it’s because the economy...

Trying to decipher just why this particular PM manages to...

Cartoon: 18 January 2015

Turtle doves get ready for their migration northwards for breeding, but a referendum in Malta on the future of spring hunting is speeding up their plans

Turtle doves get ready for their migration northwards for...

The people’s referendum

Frank Psaila

April’s referendum is a litmus test for environmental groups and civil society. They cannot afford to fail.

April’s referendum is a litmus test for...

Court rules on the abandonment of a case
Malcolm Mifsud

A court handing down judgement on 5 January, 2015, held that even if the defendants do not object to the plaintiffs asking the court to reappoint a case,...

A court handing down judgement on 5 January, 2015,...

Simon the irrelevant?
James Debono

Simon Busuttil’s cautiousness on the hunting referendum may condemn him to irrelevance. In politics calculating politicians are often rewarded. But...

Simon Busuttil’s cautiousness on the hunting...

Efforts to improve positive employment trend
Evarist Bartolo

Through a collective effort, by offering incentives to the business community...

Through a collective effort, by offering incentives to the...

Yes, but no, but yes, but no…
Raphael Vassallo

Unaccountably, not a single one of this collective mass of indispensable intelligence and foresight even noticed that they had approved two conflicting...

Unaccountably, not a single one of this collective mass of...

Cartoon: 14 January 2015

This is not an important person in the spring hunting referendum...

This is not an important person in the spring hunting...

Letters: 14 January 2015
In tribute to Charlie

By Andrew Heslop

By Andrew Heslop

Full-time MPs? No, thanks!
Michael Falzon

MPs that are government backbenchers or opposition members have the important role of keeping in touch with the people. Making them full-time employees of the...

MPs that are government backbenchers or opposition members...