An eventful, if unhappy, year
This year we have seen a dramatic escalation of tension and conflict in various parts of the world. 
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be anymore
Michael Falzon
The nostalgic idea of a lost beautiful, pristine and untouched Malta in the past has also taken currency here.
Cartoon: 9 July 2014

First-time offenders are in luck if the law reform goes through.

First-time offenders are in luck if the law reform goes...

An overdue step in the right direction

No one can deny that our approach to this issue on a legislative level has to date been highly irrational: guided for the most part by political considerations...

No one can deny that our approach to this issue on a...

Common sense? It’s overrated, anyway…
Raphael Vassallo

From a legal system that at every step of the way benefitted the trafficker at...

From a legal system that at every step of the way...

Getting parents to help in their children’s education
Evarist Bartolo

We want active parental involvement and this, through discussion and not...

We want active parental involvement and this, through...

Letters: 6th July 2014
Let’s not lose our public libraries
Mark Camilleri

By Mark Camilleri, chairman of the National Book Council

By Mark Camilleri, chairman of the National Book Council

Cartoon: 6 July 2014

The drug decriminalization debate is not without its pitfalls.

The drug decriminalization debate is not without its...

A culture of condoning irregularities

Nowhere is this culture more visible than in the widespread cavalier disregard for planning policies and regulations by both developers and the national...

Nowhere is this culture more visible than in the widespread...

Granting bail to murderers
Saviour Balzan

If we are talking of premeditated and multiple cold blooded murders, then surely granting bail should be denied in the best interests of society.

If we are talking of premeditated and multiple cold blooded...

Mixed signals
Josanne Cassar

The language question in Malta is a source of continuous ongoing debate and often leads to irritation, exasperation and mutual antagonism on both sides.

The language question in Malta is a source of continuous...

Requisitioned property not given to owners in the public interest
Malcolm Mifsud

In a judgement delivered on Monday, 23 June, 2014 the court held that the fact...

In a judgement delivered on Monday, 23 June, 2014 the court...

Not quite Dubai, but almost

Comparisons are inevitable, and Muscat’s choice will surely have struck a slightly dissonant chord.

Comparisons are inevitable, and Muscat’s choice will...

Can’t pay your bills? Don’t worry, that’s what foreigners are for…
Raphael Vassallo

We now also know that while the PN was busy avoiding its own financial commitments to at least one of its many creditors, it was also regularly defaulting...

We now also know that while the PN was busy avoiding its...

The right path to success
Evarist Bartolo

Adaptation is important in today’s labour market – if we prepare our youths to adapt to new ideas, technologies and concepts we are gearing them up...

Adaptation is important in today’s labour market...

A new strategy for our tourism industry
Michael Falzon

The real issue was not the undermining of Air Malta, but the undermining of the lucrative scheduled air traffic business when this should have been an...

The real issue was not the undermining of Air Malta, but...

Cartoon: 29 June 2014

Luis Suarez may still have some career options after all.

Luis Suarez may still have some career options after all.

Reforming drug laws is not a game
Raphael Vassallo

It is now about the recognition that ‘the game’ has in fact been lost by all parties concerned, and the rules need to be redevised from scratch.

It is now about the recognition that ‘the game’...

Time running out for the PN
Frank Psaila

The Maltese Catholic Church has a leadership crisis. We have a defunct church

The Maltese Catholic Church has a leadership crisis. We...