Libel as intimidation
The message, this time emanating from the police and law courts as much as from the hunters themselves, is that anyone who tries to stand up to the practice of illegal shooting...
The massive neutrality debate is back
Michael Falzon
Will this archaic attitude drag Joseph Muscat and George Vella down and hinder the needed change in the wording of Malta’s neutrality clause when there is obviously a...
We cannot always be happy
Josanne Cassar

Can adults and their kids rediscover the pleasure of being 'just fine' in life and learn that losing is also OK?

Can adults and their kids rediscover the pleasure of being...

No, you May not…
Raphael Vassallo

Foreigners be warned. The only thing we want to hear about your stay is the chink of euro coins landing in a cash register. As for your opinions about this...

Foreigners be warned. The only thing we want to hear about...

Public transport subsidies have to increase
James Debono

The Nationalist opposition is wrong in criticising the government for forking...

The Nationalist opposition is wrong in criticising the...

Letters: 6th April 2014
Letters: 30th March
To stream or not to stream

If recent history has taught us anything at all about the education sector, it is that it does not take too kindly to sudden jolts.

If recent history has taught us anything at all about the...

Cartoon 9 April 2014

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Setting the stage for tomorrow’s world
Evarist Bartolo

Following 12 months of preparation, we launched the free childcare services and the breakfast club in all primary schools this week, in yet another important...

Following 12 months of preparation, we launched the free...

A whistle-less whistleblower
Kevin Aquilina

Although the Protection of the Whistleblower Act is a feather in the cap of democracy, it still contains certain provisions that discourage the mass media from...

Although the Protection of the Whistleblower Act is a...

God’s will be done, if and when it suits us
Raphael Vassallo

It never ceases to amaze me how many people in this country – and...

It never ceases to amaze me how many people in this country...

Cartoon 6 April 2014

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

One big deal – or is it just a reshuffle?
Michael Falzon

Muscat's big mistake was to announce a reshuffle some three weeks before he...

Muscat's big mistake was to announce a reshuffle some...

A ticket to run away from home
Farah Abdi

The cheapest round-trip airline ticket from Nairobi to London is $565 (€412). What in the world would force people like myself to spend thousands of...

The cheapest round-trip airline ticket from Nairobi to...

Husband ordered to pay damages for mismanagement of family’s business
Malcolm Mifsud

There was no reason for Reno Grech to transfer the matrimonial home to Merger Enterprises Limited - he did not act in the family’s best interest

There was no reason for Reno Grech to transfer the...

Our political metastasis
Saviour Balzan

The majority of the new appointments in Muscat's Cabinet reshuffle have little or no link to Labour in politics, let alone in the Labour Party.

The majority of the new appointments in Muscat's...

Yet another educational experiment?
Josanne Cassar

Every cluster of students hit by educational 'experiments' and changes have their own story to tell of how it affected their life. Do we need more?

Every cluster of students hit by educational...

Diversity matters: people’s lives depend on it
Jon Hoisaeter

When it comes to refugees and migrants, society’s tendency to generalise...

When it comes to refugees and migrants, society’s...

Mixed feelings in Muscat’s year one
Frank Psaila

Muscat should ditch the ‘know it all’ attitude and keep the economy on track. If he loses a good chunk of his 2013 vote, it means Labour might be...

Muscat should ditch the ‘know it all’ attitude...