MEP elections: some easy predictions
James Debono
Labour is set to win the MEP elections. The unknown variable is the scale of Labour’s victory.
Life on a 12-month lease
Farah Abdi
Migrants granted subsidiary forms of protection have no avenue of becoming Maltese citizens, but they still live without any form of security when their international protection...
Educating for employability
Evarist Bartolo

The idea of job exposure, something our European neighbours have been doing very well for decades, must be encouraged in our education system

The idea of job exposure, something our European neighbours...

The politics of appeasement

Surrounded by pro-hunting lobbyists and weak ministers, Joseph Muscat has imposed his pro-hunting agenda.

Surrounded by pro-hunting lobbyists and weak ministers,...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan promises to provide further information showing police inspector had been the subject of more than one investigation.

MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan promises to...

Our liberal credentials and the colour black

It must be a real shame for Maltese politicians – and our government...

It must be a real shame for Maltese politicians – and our...

Constitutional Court is not for appeals but to ensure fair hearings

A constitutional action should not be used to appeal a judicial and...

A constitutional action should not be used to appeal a...

Summer lullabies part 2
Saviour Balzan

Joseph was now sitting in his blue-striped boxer shorts with a big smile on his face.

Joseph was now sitting in his blue-striped boxer shorts...

Not dull, nor Dickensian: jobs in manufacturing
Evarist Bartolo

Over 25% of young students who finish compulsory education fall into the ‘not...

Over 25% of young students who finish compulsory education...

Pulling a Pontius Pilate
Claudine Cassar

The Maltese Curia was most definitely negligent. It acted irresponsibly on not one, but at least two occasions.

The Maltese Curia was most definitely negligent. It acted...

Micro not macro

We are led to believe that the Muscat administration is primarily focused on reviewing and improving the ‘macro management’ of this country.

We are led to believe that the Muscat administration is...

Why does Labour always suck up to the hunting lobby?
Saviour Balzan

To me it is very clear: boycott the European Parliamentary elections and...

To me it is very clear: boycott the European Parliamentary...

Local Search
Conrad Bugeja

When searching on Google you may be looking for something local or have a local intent; searching for something in a location. Looking for a local restaurant...

When searching on Google you may be looking for something...

Protecting our freedoms through reason

We cannot defend the malicious use of the press’s powers to attack the privacy and family life of public individuals' associates or relatives simply...

We cannot defend the malicious use of the press’s powers...

Taking the bull(ying) by the horns?
Caroline Muscat

What politicians and people entrusted to head public institutions do is in the public interest.

What politicians and people entrusted to head public...

If you plead guilty, you accept the punishment awarded
Summer lullabies
Saviour Balzan

“I think I need a cold shower, I cannot take this anymore,” Joseph mumbled.

“I think I need a cold shower, I cannot take this...

The psychology of crowds
Claudine Cassar

It is a well-known fact that crowds often take on a life of their own.

It is a well-known fact that crowds often take on a life of...

Including parents in schools
Evarist Bartolo

What sense does it make to exclude parents from schools?

What sense does it make to exclude parents from schools?

The sale of pastizzi before sunrise
Michael Falzon

According to recent studies, the sudden urge for a pastizz before sunrise is one of the top signs of a midlife crisis, together with going to Glastonbury,...

According to recent studies, the sudden urge for a pastizz...