Saviour Balzan's videblog
Saviour Balzan
The truth on the meetings between George Farrugia and the political class, has yet to be told.
From Ukraine to Wardija Point
Saviour Balzan
Many Gozitans, like the Maltese, continue to believe that the best way to make a quick buck is to build flats, and disfigure the countryside.
Muscat's stand on Spring hunting is disappointing
Saviour Balzan

Despite years of indiscriminate wildlife destruction, Joseph Muscat will...

Despite years of indiscriminate wildlife destruction,...

A good initiative

the Times debate was a positive development and a welcome relief from the usual mediocre encounters between the leaders.

the Times debate was a positive development and a welcome...

Cartoon 27 February 2013

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Short vs Long Tail Keywords
Conrad Bugeja

For Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), long tail keywords are becoming more important. What are the differences between short and long tail keywords? In simple...

For Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), long tail keywords...

Cartoon 26 February 2013

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Two cuttings, two stories
Saviour Balzan

In 2003, I told readers to vote for the Nationalist Party because of EU membership...

In 2003, I told readers to vote for the Nationalist Party...

It’s all about fairness

The present composition of two representatives chosen from each political party represented in parliament is anachronistic and absurd, as the person to be...

The present composition of two representatives chosen from...

Cartoon 25 February 2013

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Choke on your hypocrisy…
Raphael Vassallo

Journalists in Malta are threatened with prison all the time. It only becomes an issue when the same threat is extended to politicians

Journalists in Malta are threatened with prison all the...

Beware them when they bear gifts…
Raphael Vassallo

The Greeks can’t actually afford to buy gifts these days. But the Maltese sure can!

The Greeks can’t actually afford to buy gifts these...

Putting our young people first
Evarist Bartolo

Malta has a long way to go to achieve the EU objective of having just under 10% of early school leavers by 2020

Malta has a long way to go to achieve the EU objective of...

Hell hath no fury… like a barman scorned
Michael Falzon

Whether the two barmen are devils or saints is irrelevant to the PN media...

Whether the two barmen are devils or saints is irrelevant...

Kill the messenger and f*** the message
Saviour Balzan

Party lapdogs posing as journalists to ridicule the independent media and the work they do without favour? Nothing new...

Party lapdogs posing as journalists to ridicule the...

The party that cried wolf

People did not believe the boy who cried wolf simply because he had lied to them once too often. Perhaps Dr Simon Busuttil should consider explaining to the...

People did not believe the boy who cried wolf simply...

Cartoon 24 February 2013

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Not the media that’s under scrutiny

Ministers' speculation over the actions of the media that brought out this case into the open, puts paid to their lip service to a free press.

Ministers' speculation over the actions of the media that...

Regaining public trust

It’s time to go back to basics with a serious and high level battle of ideas and allow the electorate freely to make up his mind in whose hands he or she...

It’s time to go back to basics with a serious and high...

Cartoon 21 February 2013

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna

Cartoon by Mark Scicluna