Another battle looms
Claudine Cassar
I shake my head and sigh at the Bishops' IVF pastoral letter.
Professors of democracy
Raphael Vassallo
Back in 1981, Alex Sceberras Trigona did not practice what he now seems to be preaching.
Libya and the ghosts of Rwanda and Srebrenica
James Debono

The ghosts of Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Srebrenica will return to haunt those...

The ghosts of Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Srebrenica will...

Gaddafi is the sinner
James Debono

Condemning the violence is not enough. This is like condemning the sin and not the sinner. The violence has a mastermind. His name is Muammar Gaddafi.

Condemning the violence is not enough. This is like...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MaltaToday's Managing Editor Saviour Balzan talks about the crisis in Libya and the sudden concern by politicians to the situation in Libya.

MaltaToday's Managing Editor Saviour Balzan talks...

Gonzi's indecent proposal
James Debono

After the failure of the double insurance - a referendum only if MPs pass the bill - Gonzi is now banking on the unacceptable referendum question that...

After the failure of the double insurance - a referendum...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan talks about Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's 360 degrees U-Turn on holding a referendum on the introduction of...

MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan talks about...

Gonzi's double insurance policy
James Debono

The referendum has been relegated to a double insurance policy against divorce being introduced in this legislature.

The referendum has been relegated to a double insurance...

Between The Godfather and Cape Fear
David Friggieri

For all our talk of think-tanks and political academies, the underlying dynamic running through Maltese politics hasn't budged an inch since 1987.

For all our talk of think-tanks and political academies,...

The inconvenient truth about Article 2
Raphael Vassallo

From Integration in the 1950s to Independence in the 1960s, the Church’s only motivation was to preserve its own power and sphere of influence.

From Integration in the 1950s to Independence in the...

Green co-options
James Debono

The appointment of former Din l-Art Helwa President Petra Bianchi as MEPA's environment protection director is welcome but raises questions on...

The appointment of former Din l-Art Helwa...

Why Alan Camilleri epitomises the Gonzi doctrine
Saviour Balzan

Camilleri heads one of Malta’s more important agencies, but with...

Camilleri heads one of Malta’s more important...

There's something about Labour
James Debono

It is not just the unwillingness to stand up to be counted on various issues which makes me uneasy about Muscat’s Labour, but also the kitsch way of...

It is not just the unwillingness to stand up to be...

The statistical facade
James Debono

The stats produced by the anti divorce movement are a façade for strong religious convictions like those expressed by Eddie Fenech Adami on Thursday.

The stats produced by the anti divorce movement are a...

Anticipating events
David Friggieri

Any intellectual worth his salt should channel his energy into bringing about a new political event even when it is impossible to predict what precise form...

Any intellectual worth his salt should channel his energy...

The door’s over there...
Raphael Vassallo

Personally I can think of several cogent reasons for Austin Gatt to resign, and not one of them has anything to do with divorce.

Personally I can think of several cogent reasons for...

Actions that define us
Caroline Muscat

As with other small nation states, Malta’s foreign policy has never really mattered much to anyone except the country’s inflated egos.

As with other small nation states, Malta’s foreign...

Ministers' allowances was an administrative mess
Michael Falzon

The payment of an allowance equivalent to a proposed higher rate of MPs'...

The payment of an allowance equivalent to a proposed...

Dear Jean Pierre, why the hell did you waste our time?
Saviour Balzan

This great farce confirms one thing.  The weakness of our political...

This great farce confirms one thing.  The weakness...

Debating with the No movement
Michael Briguglio

The setting up of a ‘no to divorce’ movement is good: debate is essential in a democracy.

The setting up of a ‘no to divorce’ movement...