An injustice in slow motion
All we are left with now is a dead man, a family unable to find closure, and no justice. The acquittal was the final act in an injustice that has been unfolding in slow motion...
Cartoon: 25 June 2023
Illustration by Marianna Calleja
Cartoon: 28 May 2023

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Joe, Mary and the 100,000ers: a case for targeted support

There were almost 5,000 people who declared income of more than €100,000...

There were almost 5,000 people who declared income of more...

The 'Butisti' monster: Why I’m attending tomorrow’s protest | Denise Grech

If we fight, we could lose. If we don’t fight, they will inevitably win

If we fight, we could lose. If we don’t fight, they...

King Charles keenly interested in visiting Villa Guardamangia… | Charles Xuereb

In republican Malta, the State, through its main arm on heritage, is inexplicably spending €15 million on a museum for the colonialist ruler rather than...

In republican Malta, the State, through its main arm on...

Encouraging youth engagement through YAF | Andy Ellul

This first step is the key to obtaining the experience and voice you have...

This first step is the key to obtaining the experience and...

A tenant relying on the articles of the law to prove title may be evicted following a constitutional judgment

Following a constitutional judgment declaring that the owner’s property rights have been infringed, a tenant may be evicted if he solely rests upon the...

Following a constitutional judgment declaring that the...

No shortcut for PN in polls, but Labour has reasons to worry

The bottom line is that, while Labour is slowly losing ground, the PN is...

The bottom line is that, while Labour is slowly...

It's easier to love the callow kids among the cast of Love Island than it is to love Malta, at this point
Between a rock and a hard place
Michael Falzon

Does Abela acknowledge that he owes his victory in the leadership race to Joseph Muscat’s camp and now he is anxious not to upset this camp?

Does Abela acknowledge that he owes his victory in the...

Has Malta just been given a death sentence, without anyone even noticing?
Raphael Vassallo

... I do think, under the circumstances, that it’s high time we at least started asking ourselves a few serious questions: about, say, whether this...

... I do think, under the circumstances, that it’s...

Statistics: A tool to be used in the right way | Silvan Mifsud

The price differences can be caused by a myriad of different things from the...

The price differences can be caused by a myriad of...

We did not sign up for this
Josanne Cassar

I doubt many Labour voters are happy to learn that Muscat walked away from the leadership with tens of thousands of Euro in lucrative consultancy deals entered...

I doubt many Labour voters are happy to learn that Muscat...

Let the one with the proverbial balls step forward
Saviour Balzan

Muscat has kept a straight face, arguing that his consultancy with a Swiss firm...

Muscat has kept a straight face, arguing that his...

Nullifying a fine which breaches natural justice

The Court declared a fine issued by the Sanctions Monitoring Board on the...

The Court declared a fine issued by the Sanctions...

Cartoon: 21 May 2023

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Burying the Muscat legacy: the right thing to do

At a political level Joseph Muscat’s legacy, with all its good, has been...

At a political level Joseph Muscat’s legacy, with all...

Now what? | Clayton Bartolo

Finally, none of this is possible unless we continue to make it easier for tourists to fly to Malta. Through both a viable legacy airline as well as budget...

Finally, none of this is possible unless we continue to...

How did ‘The Taxman’ suddenly turn from ‘villain’, to ‘hero’?
Raphael Vassallo

I don’t know. Call me old-fashioned, but...  I still prefer those hackneyed old stereotypes, at the end of the day...

I don’t know. Call me old-fashioned, but...  I...