Lack of evidence pushes the Immigration Appeals Board to revoke a return decision, removal order and entry ban
Malcolm Mifsud
Lack of evidence pushes the Immigration Appeals Board to revoke a return decision, removal order and entry ban given by the Principal Immigration Officer
We can’t expect Gozo to remain a ‘virgin’, while we continue raping her sister-island
Raphael Vassallo
Yes, Gozitans are quite right to feel aggrieved... even as we, here in Malta, entreat the Gozitans to ‘respect their own environment’... it’s not exactly as...
LGBTIQ rights cannot be taken for granted

It is positive that parliament last week voted unanimously for changes to...

It is positive that parliament last week voted unanimously...

Strict interpretation of the law when challenging a judge
Malcolm Mifsud

The court must interpret the law on the recusal of a judge strictly

The court must interpret the law on the recusal of a judge...

Uninformed political opinions took space meant for children

Artists behind the play Gender Boss say they are shocked by...

Artists behind the play Gender Boss say they are shocked by...

‘Pencil Development’ should be rubbed out, not rubber-stamped
Raphael Vassallo

The government of Malta has not just ‘forgotten’ all about those...

The government of Malta has not just...

The chats must have bumped up the average reading rate of the Maltese public something fierce
Robert Abela faces a stark choice

Abela should remember that ‘nature abhors a vacuum’; and current non-voters may eventually move on to new political pastures. At this stage, then,...

Abela should remember that ‘nature abhors a...

The unravelling of Muscat’s coalition
Michael Falzon

Otherwise the Labour Party inherited by Abela will keep on dragging its feet in power and Malta loses the chance to renew itself sooner rather than later

Otherwise the Labour Party inherited by Abela will keep on...

‘Get Whatsapp’, they said. It’s ‘safe and secure’, they said...
Raphael Vassallo

And try as I might: I struggle to see very much ‘positive value’, in a course of action that may well end up jeopardising – in not actually...

And try as I might: I struggle to see very much...

No, it’s not because she is a woman, it’s because she is an MP
Josanne Cassar

First of all, can we PLEASE stop dragging gender into issues which are...

First of all, can we PLEASE stop dragging gender into...

An abdication of duty

As an elected official Rosianne Cutajar has far greater responsibilities than ordinary individuals. The chats show that she reneged on these...

As an elected official Rosianne Cutajar has far greater...

Cartoon: 26 March 2023

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Court may accept declarations made by deceased witness
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court may accept, in the interest of justice, an affidavit prepared by...

The Court may accept, in the interest of justice, an...

Abela certainly activated that very same knee-jerk antagonism by choosing to list the GOOD done by Steward, just to piss the Nationalists off
Judge pins court delays on government, abusive defendants and their lawyers
Malcolm Mifsud

The length of time taken to conclude a court case is unreasonable and violates the right to a proper and reasonable hearing as provided by Article 39 of the...

The length of time taken to conclude a court case is...

‘Pencil Development’ should be rubbed out, not rubber-stamped
Raphael Vassallo

But one thing, at least is certain. Just like those ’broken teeth’...

But one thing, at least is certain. Just like those...

The cost of failure

In this context those who argue that our contribution to global emissions as a country is relatively small should be reminded that our emissions are at par...

In this context those who argue that our contribution to...

Regulating the construction industry
Michael Falzon

One has to remember that until the proposal becomes law, every Tom Dick and Harry can - at whatever age - buy a big machine and start assuming excavation and...

One has to remember that until the proposal becomes law,...

‘Parks and cars’ are like ‘oil and water’. They just don’t mix
Raphael Vassallo

And all thanks to the policies of a Labour government, that is now ‘surprised’ to discover that it somehow managed to lose around 40,000 votes, in...

And all thanks to the policies of a Labour government, that...