2025: Malta faces growing urban challenges amid rapid demographic shifts | Rachael Scicluna
With these challenges in mind, how is Malta addressing its housing and urban development policies to not only meet current demands but also safeguard the wellbeing and prospects...
2025: A shaken duopoly... but will it be enough? | Kurt Borg
This year marked interesting developments in the ambitions of key individuals who seem to be upping the ante when it comes to aspiring for a seat in power
Still waiting for answers
Saviour Balzan

Every Saturday for the last 40 years I have been at my desk, in my office writing my opinion column. I am old school; we scorn the social media and the...

Every Saturday for the last 40 years I have been at my...

2025: Cracks in the duopoly

It remains to be seen what impact Momentum and the Progressive Party will have on the political landscape throughout 2025 and whether they will be a force to...

It remains to be seen what impact Momentum and the...

2025: Donald Trump’s win in the US, Europe’s economic reckoning | JP Fabri

Trump’s resurgence should serve as a wake-up call. His ‘America First’ rhetoric, coupled with a focus on economic self-sufficiency and...

Trump’s resurgence should serve as a wake-up call....

Damages lawsuit requires proof of direct link between action and its alleged consequences
Malcolm Mifsud

An action for damages requires that there must be a direct link between the action and the consequences of that action for it to succeed

An action for damages requires that there must be a direct...

Ryan Callus and the PN | Luciano Busuttil

Thousands of people have availed and continue to avail themselves of government...

Thousands of people have availed and continue to avail...

2024 from the eyes of MaltaToday's cartoonist

A selection of cartoons by Mikiel Galea that capture the essence of 2024

A selection of cartoons by Mikiel Galea that capture the...

The vote on the GWU premises
Michael Falzon

The so-called historical victory of the GWU was its acquiescence that it had breached the contract with the government and also its accepting to pay back part...

The so-called historical victory of the GWU was its...

More of the same
Saviour Balzan

To me, it was a year like previous years but there were particular moments which stood out like a sore thumb

To me, it was a year like previous years but there were...

Cartoon: 22 December 2024

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

The end of the supermajority era

Roberta Metsola described 2024 as the “biggest global election year in history”. She was referring to several important elections including those...

Roberta Metsola described 2024 as the “biggest global...

Court must assure that all co-owners receive a fair price in forced sale of property
Malcolm Mifsud

When the majority of co-owners request the sale of the property, the Court has to see whether the sale will cause serious prejudice to the minority

When the majority of co-owners request the sale of the...

Rewiring pain: The AI-powered solution transforming lives
Alexiei Dingli

For those living with chronic pain, Morpheus is a beacon of hope. It...

For those living with chronic pain, Morpheus is a beacon of...

Harm reduction in Malta: A bumpy road ahead | Mark Farrugia

My research study highlighted that the definition and implementation of harm...

My research study highlighted that the definition and...

A dangerous knee-jerk reaction

The logical conclusion from what Robert Abela said on Sunday is that he would like to limit the ability of ordinary citizens to request magisterial...

The logical conclusion from what Robert Abela said on...

A week of endorsement
Julia Farrugia

New legislation that I will be piloting will further protect the rights of persons with disabilities. The reform is intended to provide the necessary tools to...

New legislation that I will be piloting will further...

Investment, what investment?
Michael Falzon

The government insists on using the word ‘investment’. It seems that the dividends from all this ‘investment’ are expected by the party...

The government insists on using the word...

At face value
Saviour Balzan

The attack on Joe Giglio is no coincidence.  And I am not attempting to join the dots – I have joined the dots and my fingers are pointing to Jason...

The attack on Joe Giglio is no coincidence.  And I am...

PN overreach on GWU’s Valletta premises is punitive | Josef Bugeja

Just as the GWU submitted itself to the court’s decision on the...

Just as the GWU submitted itself to the court’s...